Baekhyun: What Am I To You?

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"I love it!" You felt your eyes swelled with tears. And it wasn't because of the bracelets.

The next week, you were coming home early from work. And after a long day with coming up with something completely unique and different, all you wanted was to take a relaxing bath with Baekhyun.

The elevator ride up to your floor gave you a strange feeling. Like, something was telling you to expect something. Once you exit the elevator, you walk to your apartment. You turn to open the door, only to be met with someone you really didn't want to see.


Her face was blushed, her hair was quickly tied  up, and she was wearing his jacket. Your favorite jacket that you wear when he's away on tour. She stood still, staring at you with wide eyes.

"H-hey" she stuttered, trying to smile as if she wasn't guilty of anything.

"Taeyeon...mind telling me why you're here?" You asked, your voice strong and your gaze was cold as you crossed your arms over your chest. She was intimidated by you no doubt, but she tried her best to stay her ground too.

"Well you see..." she was cut off my Baekhyun walking onto the scene behind her. Shirtless. Usually you'd marvel at how well his body looked, but at the moment you just glared at him the same way she glared at you. He cursed and quickly pulled his shirt on before approaching you.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Baekhyun stared at you with large eyes.

"What is going on?" You asked. Even though you already knew the answer.

"I was...I was just leaving" she chuckled nervously as she excused herself. You grab her shoulder, stopping her from leaving. She gasps in shock.

"Give me the jacket first" you said. She quickly take it off and hands it to you before fleeing the scene. Your shakey hands gripped the jacket as you anticipated your next move.

"Honey?" Baekhyuns small voice asked. You step inside and slam the door behind you, throwing the jacket at him.

"How could you?!" You cried angrily.

"N-no, (y/n) wait it was a mistake trust me!" He calls as he grabs your hand, attempting to calm you down.

"Don't you dare!" You shouted, pulling away from him. "Don't you dare tell me to trust you after what I just saw!"

"Please, babe. Let me explain" he begs.

"Forget it, I don't need an explanation from you when it is SO painfully obvious what is going on" you turn away from him and towards the bedroom you shared. Now, it was tainted to you. You pull the sheets from the bed and sit on the edge, shaking your head.

"Just listen to me-"

"I don't want to talk to you right now, Baekhyun" you muttered.

"Just let me explain myself! You're so stubborn sometimes"

"I caught you alone with another woman! Not just any woman, Taeyeon!" You snapped. He knew you didn't really trust her in the first place. She always gave off a weird vibe and you didn't like it.

Exo X Reader: One Shots♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin