1 - Where Am I?

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It was pitch black.

I couldn't see or hear a thing. I didn't taste anything, smell anything, or feel anything. I didn't feel pain, sadness, anger, nothing.

I tried to remember anything, but nothing came to me. I couldn't remember a thing.

I felt as though it was getting harder to live.  With each breath out, it got even harder to take another breath in.  In, out... In, out... In... Out...

All of a sudden something touched me.  I was sure of it.  Move, move!  Wake up! I screamed at myself in my head but it was no use.

I stopped internally struggling with myself, giving up.  Was I going to die here?  It seemed likely.

Wait, what was that?  It felt as though a weight was lifted off me, for a split second I willed myself to wake up once more and my eyes burst open.  Quickly, I sat up and hurriedly scooted backwards until I hit a tree.

I slowly let the light into my eyes and realized I was in a forest, there was a steep hill in front of me and a bolder about two feet high and two feet across.  There was a smaller boulder with red on it, was that blood?  Yes, it was blood.  There was a big man - tall and wide - standing in front of me. He wore an old over coat and had a black curly beard and black curly hair.  I looked down at my leg, it was gruesome.  The pain rushed to me all of a sudden, it was like there were two hammers that continuously hit and crushed my left leg.  My head pounded as I put my hand on it, realizing it was covered in blood.

I looked at the big man in a panic.  "Who are you?"

"Er," he looked as though he was very surprised, as was I.  I looked around for anything I could protect myself with, patting the ground fast for any kind of stick or rock.  All there was was leaves, I could move closer to him to grab the bloody rock but I deemed that not a good idea.

"Stop," he said, a bit dumbfounded. "No, stop! You're badly hurt."

"Who are you?" I repeated.

"Hagrid.   An' who are you?"

Evelyn Sting, I remembered.  My name is Evelyn Sting.  "Evelyn."

"Well, Evelyn."  He crouched in front of me, studying my left leg.  "How'd you get 'ere?"

"I... I don't know."  I couldn't remember, my name was the only thing I could remember besides the fact that I'm thirteen.  Still, I don't believe that will really help me right now.  I don't know, I'm a bit scared.

"Don't you?"  He looked puzzled, then after a moment, he continued. "Do you know where you are, Evelyn?"

I thought, trying to remember. "No." I paused. "Do you know?"

"Yes, I do.  It's a very dangerous place.  You shouldn't be 'ere.  Say, are you a Hogwarts student?"

Hogwarts?  No.  I've never heard of Hogwarts in my life, or have I?  I have no clue, I can't remember.  "I don't know."  My eyes got teary, where was I?  What was happening?  What am I doing here?  "I have to get out of here - I have to leave!" Something about this place was bothering me, something about it screamed bad news to me.  I began to get up.

"No, I don't think you should be doing that! Sit back down, you're hurt."  He helped me up when I refused to sit still and held my arm.

"I'm fine."  I was about to start walking (or rather limping) when I remembered I don't know where exactly to limp to.  "Where am I?  How do I get out of here?"

"Yer in the Dark Forest. It's day time, luckily. I'll take ye back up to my hut and get someone to help you." He held onto me as I slowly limed through the forest, following his directions. I was still very confused, I knew my name is Evelyn Sting and I'm thirteen, I'm a witch. Sadly, I realized my wand was split in three when I reached for it in my right boot. How did all of this happen? I'm pretty sure my leg is broken and my head is smashed pretty hard, explaining the thirteen years of memory loss. I was also bruised pretty bad all over.  Was it possible I rolled down the hill?  I guess it's possible I'm just so clumsy I tripped and fell all the way. Then how did the boulder get on top of my leg? Maybe there was some sort of land slide, I don't know. I found myself thinking that a lot, I don't know. It's driving me crazy, and this guy, Hagrid, he just found me so how is he gonna answer all these questions?  He can't, can he?

Sting (Harry Potter Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें