Mending hearts

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Yet still there was nothing i could do.But her and Zac were perfect for each other. And my confession of my love would take and ugly turn which I'm trying to avoid.


Abbys pov

I sat in bed. Recapping over the incident earlier. Flashbacks took over my mind. The more i re encountered them the more pain i received. Suddenly i broke from my thought and jumped to the knock on the door.

"Come in"i spoke softly.

My mum walked in. As she looked at me with the most heartwarming smile. "Hey sweety"she said as she came and sat down next to me placing her body inside the warm duvet.

"Abby what wrong? I feel like there is something thats troubling you since you've came from school"she asked "you skipped dinner and you haven't been down since school"

"Oh its nothing"i replied.

"Abby look..:im your mum tell me "she said making direct eye contact. Which made my heart melt. Suddenly the pain i had bottled up inside me just spilled like water out of a glass.

Tears filled in my eyes as i rested my head on her shoulder as she put her arm around me .

"Austin broke up with me "i cried trying to hide my tears.

"Oh Abby... What happened?"she asked worried as she wrapped her both arms around me i felt the comfort under her touch so i snuggled in making myself more comfortable. As i rested my head on her shoulder. This kind of comfort is what i needed right now.

"No nothing really happened mom he just feels like he should stay away from me because he thinks that he's causing problems between me and Zac. Which is not true." I said sniffling. Looking down at my hands as i played with my fingers.

"Oh sweety"she awed as she wrapped her arms me and cuddling me. Tears filled my eyes again as i shut them tight and cried. It even hurt talking about it. I never imagined my life without Austin. Ive always had him with me.

"Your such a lucky girl Abby. Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have a friend like Austin. I mean whatever reason Zac has i don't know but whatever reason Austin has broken up with you its only because he wants to protect you. Don't you see it, Austin will give up anything that will hurt you. "She carried on talking gently. Making my heart at ease. It felt good listening to her words. I felt what you call hope arise inside my body alarmingly. A sudden feeling that everything was going to be okay. I listened carefully to her words with my head on her shoulder.

"Austin is a lovely boy. We have known him for a long time and i doubt that he would ever do anything to hurt you my love. I believe in him "she smiled as i chuckled. "Dont you remember that one time there was a spider in your room and what Austin did to try and get rid of that thing and the whole time he was scared out of his life himself" she giggled. I giggled and smiled.

Yeah how i could i forget that day.

I smiled.

Austin was amazing.

"But you dont give up Abby. I know my daughter is a fighter. You know Austin very well and we know that he gave up only because he cares for you. So dont you give up too and fight for him. He's worth fighting for trust me i know a good one when i see it"she smiled and chuckled.

I looked up at her and smiled. "Fight for him Abby"she said kissing my forehead as she slipped out slowly from under my body. As she stood up to walk out "Mark my words"she said as i watched her walk "Thanks mom"i smiled as she returned a smile and walked out gently shutting the door behind her.

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