Basic phrases of the angel language

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So my story has some angels and I need a language for them. It's called Iosano. And here are few basic phrases of it.

how are you?=fe sabby anna?


I'm fine= Karom soca


I disagree=Kar kan paruij

I agree=Jar saho paruij

I love you=Kar serlna anna

prepare to die=avo'dith bal



I don't understand=Kar kan eang

What s your name?=Tar anna' om via

My name is ...=Kar via om ....

Excuse me=sado

I'm sorry=Somire

how old are you=fe yia anna om?

You're welcome=patlynjei

this language is in developing state so when I get to the actual grammar rules it might change.

The random material for my storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें