Are you okay? ~ Chapter Three

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Barry’s P.O.V

Why! Why did I have to do that! Now she is going to think that I care about her. Which I don’t by the way! How could I possibly care about a freak that doesn’t talk.

But that still doesn’t explain the cuts of her wrist that I bandaged for her. I don’t even know what came over me, I just did it. I had tried looking for her at lunch but couldn’t find her. I came to the conclusion that she didn’t like me, not that I cared, and hid from me. Very well, let her do that. I’ll just ignore her for the rest of the day. Childish thing to do , I know, but she ignored me when I tried to talk to her. I mean, what the hell is her problem. Oh well, I’ll get her to tell me tomorrow. Just need some Barry Barry charm and she will be all over me, just like all the other girls at waterloo road. Mentally scoffing, I thought about how the other girls are all sluts and Kailey is probably one two.

‘But there is something different about her and you know it’  a small voice said in my head,  but I ignored it and tried to get to sleep. But somehow, a certain girl with green eyes invaded my dreams…

Groaning, I managed to drag myself out of bed and brush my teeth, throw on the shitty Waterloo Road school uniform. I mean ties? Really!? Absolutely hideous….

I jelled my hair back and threw on my jacket, shouting bye to mum, Kacey and Dynasty and hopped into my car. I tried to start it and a low, unhealthy sound come from it. Cursing under my breath, I opened the car door and get out, slamming the door closed in anger. I looked at my watch and noticed it was five minutes until I had to get to school. Great. I look around our street and my eyes fell onto the house next to mine, a ‘sold’ sign stuck into the front lawn. I still had no idea who had moved into the house, apparently they moved a couple of days ago.

Then, an ear piercing scream  echoed down the street and I duck behind the fence, waiting for someone to come. Then I hear someone yelling something along the lines of, ‘’ SHUT YOUR MOUTH, I TOLD YOU NOT TO MAKE A SOUND,’’ gasping, I watch as the door next door is thrown open and a girl is thrown out, who just crumples to the ground as soon as the door is slammed shut. Muffled sounds of sobbing come from her, and I cautiously stand up and walk over to her, and kneel infront of her. Her knees were curled up to her chest and her hands covering her face.

‘’A-are you okay?’’ I ask, trying to sound gentle. Suddenly, the girl is on her feet and is jumping away from me and I finally figure out who it is. Kailey…

Kailey’s P.O.V

‘’Bye Peter, Kailey!’’ my mum shouts as she leaves the house. Knowing I have to go downstairs at some point, I take a deep breath and start walking down the stairs, my step-dad waiting at the bottom, grinning at me evily, like he wants to eat me. I stop half way down the stair case. ‘’ Hurry up, girl!’’ my step-dad shouts so I rush down the rest of the stairs.

‘’Why do you have to be so slow?’’ he nearly shouts and hits m across my face, and I let out a whimpering sound. To that he laughs and then full on punches me in the eye, making me scream out loud.

‘’SHUT YOUR MOUTH, I TOLD YOU NOT TO MAKE A SOUND!’’ he bellows at me, tossing my school bag at me he hisses, ‘’  For that, you walk to school!’’ then he opens the door, shoves me out and slam the door in my face. As soon as the door shuts I slump to the floor and bring my knees to my chest and start crying into my hands. Then I hear a pair of footsteps coming towards me and some one kneels infront of me and says, ‘’ A-are you okay?’’  I jump away from him, recognising the voice instantly. Barry…

Okay, so what do you think??!?!?!?!!?!? Eh????!!! I am still open for Ideas :P

Btw, whenever Kailey is writing in her note pad it will be in bold writing just in case you get confused :P

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Kasia xxxxx

Kailey's Story ~A Waterloo Road FanFic~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz