Raven & Travis.

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Raven ;

“Raven Steele. What have you done to your body?” My mum asked me as she saw my tattoo’s up my arms, across my collar bone and little did she know I had more than what was showing. “How will you ever get a job now?”

“I’ll become a prostitute.” I joked and my dad sighed.

“Raven, life isn’t all fun and games.” My dad asked.

“I’m young I rebel. I am only here so y’all get more money, isn’t that why you got mum up the duff in the first place?” I asked.

“Do not speak so crudely about the act of making love.” My mum shouted.

I chuckled and looked at them. “Making love? You have to be in love to make love, mother.” The both stared at me. “What did you think I was stupid? I notice you hardly touch like the other parents who in fact are in love.” I said and ate my toast.

“We are in love, we don’t want to shove it in your face.” My mother let out a nervous laugh.  

“I read your diary.” I shrugged and my dad laughed at how I didn’t care what she was going to do.

“It’s a journal.” She snapped. “And that is mine.”

“What’s  the difference? And I came from you, so I am kind of you. Which means it’s mine as well.” I smiled and looked at the clock. “Oh is that the time? I’ve got to go.” I ran out of the house and made my way to school. I took my bike, I love my bike. Me and my older brother got it from the scrap yard and built it back up so it was okay for me to ride.

I got to Vandergiff Academy, it’s a private school. My grandparents pay for it as they want me to get a good education. Thing is though, I am what these snobs would call poor. Does it matter if you are rich or poor, as long as you’re happy you should be fine.

I skidded my bike to a stop, gaining attention to the bad-girl. No one at this school expect Steph – my competition at this school, she always tries to one up me but fails.

Travis ;

I sat in my father’s office listening to him talking about how I have become a grown up.  

“I have a bride for you.” Were the words that made me snap.

“No, I’m not getting married.” I shouted at him. “Not yet at least, dad I’m young.”

“Travis, if you do not find a bride within this year, you will marry who I choose. Deal?”

I shook his hand and smirked, “Deal.” He has no idea what I have planned, no idea old man. “Better get to school, see ya.”  I mumbled and walked to my car. I got to school and saw my friend Alex. I walk over to where he is standing. “Hey man. Want help me choose a wife?” I nudge his side with my elbow.

“He’s letting you choose her? Hell yeah, okay…” He said and scanned the car park as did I. Both of our heads snapped around when we heard something skidding to a stop. “Ah Raven.” Alex smiled.

“Raven? Who is she?” I asked and watched her take her helmet off, her long black hair fell down her ball, she raised an arm to fix to her hair and I saw a sleeve of tattoo’s, now she is the girl I want my father to meet.

“Raven Steele, school’s bad girl. Steph told me she was in a gang.” Alex shrugged, not sure we should believe his sister’s words. I walked over to Raven Steele.

“Hey, I’m Travis.” I said and she turned to look at me with those blue eyes.

“Can I help you Travis?” She smirked and leant against her bike. I honestly have never been treated by a girl like this. I saw she had a tattoo on her chest, it was on the collar bone and it suited her.

“Why don’t we go someplace a little less public?” I smirked and she chuckled.

“Travis baby, you couldn’t handle this.” She said and walked away.

I could always choose some girl who would be much easier than Raven, but the chase is the fun right? 

Raven & Travis.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ