From A Girl Who Understands

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From A Girl Who Understands

            Why? Why can't it be us? The ones who would do anything He asked if he asked. The ones who would do anything He wants us to so that He would stay with us. The ones who show interest from the very beginning and always. The ones who don't have to be coaxed or probed or tricked or impressed because we liked what we saw and didn't see from the beginning ,that’s us. Why can't it be us?

       Why is it always THAT one? The one that either got away, or isn't interested, or doesn't even know or care that He exists, that captures His attention. Why is the girl that always gets heartbroken in the end, is the one who was perfect for Him in the beginning?

       We always get ran over or ignored just because we’re willing to comply! But the thing that's good from all of this is because I'm here to tell you all that I understand. I know what it feels like to get your heart stomped on and laughed at because you do what you think will make them happy. I know what it feels like to live in envy of That girl. I know how it is to see him prancing around like he didn't hurt someone who only wanted him to be happy with what you had to offer.

       So we ask as one heartbroken hoard of "desperate" girls in a hopeless whisper and devastated tone, "Why?"


A/N: this is just a little blurb that popped into my head one day when I was reading a story on here and thought I should write it and post it...!

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ENJOY...most importantly...!

                            ~Hope You Liked It


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