"Sang's mine now, you have no need to worry about my plans of her."

My mind started to get foggy again, the voices tilted and swirled together until I couldn't tell if they were even talking English. Eventually the voices muted and I fell back into the dark void that was my only welcomed companion.

My last thought was of the boys.

Was Gabriel okay? I hope he wasn't freaking out.

How mad was North that I had left him?

Did Kota still have his calm attitude?

Was Mr. Blackbourne keeping the boys in check?

Did Silas miss me as much as I missed him?

Was Dr. Green keeping everything lighthearted?

Was Luke eating?

Was Victor blaming himself?

Would Nathan want to play basketball when I was found?

And I realized that I didn't doubt them, I'd be found. I had to. They'd find me. I was family. That's what family did, they helped you and knelt with you and made you stand up for what's right. They protected you and kept you from harm, while constantly pushing you to be the best you you can be. They fought and cried, they played and teased. That's what family was.

They didn't turn you in to the bad guys. Marie may be my blood. But the boys? They were my life.

They were my family.



I had been driving with North in his keep over to the hospital to hear the news Corey and Raven had to tell us when I got the call. Nathan, and Silas were in the back.

I had gotten that life changing call. I had had to tell my brother, my friends, my family, that our little girl was missing.

I remembered it easily. Like it was only yesterday- because it was only yesterday.

My phone rang and I jumped at the chance to answer, I remembered hoping Mr. Blackbourne would tell us Sang had woken up.

But instead he said, "Miss Sorenson has been kidnapped. It is imperative that you and everyone else get here as quick as you can."

The first sentence made my world crumble and break. I could hear Gabriel in the background, asking

where Trouble was. He sounded like shit, his voice was broken and I could only imagine he had the same look in his eyes as he did when he came home to find his family dead.

My stomach was clenched up and I glanced around the jeep, I didn't want to be the one to tell them this..., "Mr. Taylor, did you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Mr. Blackbourne, we're already headed over."

He hung up.

I remembered each of their reactions.

Silas and Nathan had been very vocal about their surprise and anguish, North had white knuckled the steering wheel and slammed his foot down on the accelerator. I had just gone numb.

The numbness still hadn't gone away, we were trying as hard as we could to find her. None of it was working. Corey had found all dead ends and since there were zero prints that was also a dead end.

Gabriel was only getting worse. He sat in Sang's room and redecorated, saying that when she got back she'd be happy about the change. It seemed to be the only thing that kept him on our level of sanity so we indulged in his ideas.

The Baby Projectजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें