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My last full day with Luke. The thought of Saturday frightened me. I was still indecisive about what I was going to do but I wasn't going to overthink it and let it ruin my day. I woke up early and got ready for the day. I wore a blue sundress with my sandals and curled my hair.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked as I walked into the kitchen and fixed myself a cup of coffee.

"Nowhere." I replied. I sat at across from her at the kitchen table looking at my phone. I was bored out if mind so I checked my twitter. My notifications were full of mentions by people I didn't even know. I clicked on a few of them and saw pictures from the previous night. There I was with on stage with Luke up against me. I giggled a bit and continued scrolling through the tweets. The further I scrolled, I found that a lot of them were hateful. Many of them saying that I would never replace Luke's late wife. I closed out the app and set my phone down. Was that even what crossed Luke's mind? Was I just a replacement? I realized that I was just playing mind games with myself and stopped thinking that way. I picked up my cellphone and the keys to my jeep then headed out the door.

I drive around with my stereo cranked then decided that it was an acceptable time to show up at Luke's beach house. I was at a stop light and decided to call him, just in case. After a few rings, I heard Luke pick up.

"Good morning beautiful." He said in that morning voice that made me melt.

"Good morning. I'm on my way to your house. Is it a good time?" I asked.

"Any time is a good time as long as you're around." I could just see him with that signature smirk of his. I hung up at the end of our conversation. I drove down the block before pulling into the driveway. As I shut the door to my jeep, Luke came outside in just his basketball shorts. He greeted me with a hug and a quick peck on the lips. I followed him inside and it was surprisingly quiet.

"Is everyone still asleep?" I asked quietly.

"Oh no. They went back home yesterday so they have a couple of days to get back to their normal schedules since the kids go back to school on Monday." He said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. I felt a bit bad because I didn't get to say goodbye to them.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"The plan. Well, it's that you and I have fun and spend some time together." He said as he took another sip of his coffee. I wadded up a paper napkin in my hand and threw it at him. He looked at me before pelting it back. We sat there there for a good ten minutes just throwing the makeshift ball at each other while laughing. I finally decided to throw it away so I tossed it in the trash can from where I was sitting. I yawned a few times as I sat there and put my head down. Luke said I could go lay down in his room since it would be a while until we actually did something since he wasn't ready. I ran up the stairs and practically dove into Luke's comfortable bed. I closed my eyes and was fast asleep instantly.

"Penny lover, my love's on fire
Penny lover, you're my one desire.." I heard Luke singing which woke me up from my nap. Not that I'm complaining because he's got a beautiful voice.

"Tell me baby could this be true
That I could need someone, like I need you..." I sang as I laid there staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey good job baby." He chuckled and clicked his tongue. I sat up and saw that Luke was just in a towel. I covered my eyes with a pillow and shrieked a little. I heard him start laughing. I covered my eyes using my hand and chucked a pillow at him.

"Why didn't you say you were changing?" I asked a bit mortified.

"I didn't know you were awake and plus it ain't like you haven't seen any of this before." I removed my hand and I was relieved to see he had boxers on.

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