chapter 4

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Myahs pov

Jungkook and I have been looking for a job for about three hours. I thought he was going to give up but he hasn't and I don't think he's planning on coming close to quiting.

He's been scanning websites and papers for hours. And he hasn't said a word I'm starting to worry that he might be over working himslelf. I don't want him to get hurt or sick because he over worked himself.

I don't want that on my mind knowing that I stressed him out or made him hurt himself. Ya Ya I know what your going to say 'myah shut the fuck up already and help him. You've been saying the same thing over and over again. Just say something geez.'

Well it's not that simple because I've tried that and he just said that he was fine. Then went back to the computer or the paper. You may not believe me but I really did try. Hes not that easy if a person. Sadly.

I can seem to get him to turn away from the quest that he set for himself. I'm starting to feel bad. He wont listen to me no matter what I say to him. He just nods or says that did this to himself and that it's not my fault.

I decide to man up and tell him like it is. "I think you should take a break I don't want you to over work yourself because of me. I know you want to help me but you don't have to keep at it twenty-four seven." He turns to look me straight in the eyes.

"I can tell that you are a caring person so for you I will take a break." He smiles "And I hate to make you worry about me like that. It gives me a feeling that I can't describe it but I dont like it. So let's go get some ice cream! "

My eyes lit up "ok!" I yell jumping up and down like a little kid. He chuckles and grabs my hand dragging me to a dinner. "This place looks so cool!" I say still excited. "Ya it was one of my old hangouts. I'm surprised it's still here." He says with wide eyes and a big smile.

We sit down and order our ice cream. Jungkook gets mint and I get bublegum. We have many conversations and laughs but sadly it all had to end when I had to go home. But as we walked out of the dinner he stopped me.

"Hey uh you can stay at me house if you like.....I mean you don't have to I was just putting it out there. Because we didn't spend much time together to really get to know each other. And your also tired from running away from the pack of phsyco girls." He says scratching the back of his neck.

I look at him and think for a moment. "Ok that seems fun." I Say smiling. "Its ok I get it....wait what?" His eyes go wide. "I said it seems fun." He looks at me. "O..oh o..ok well let's get going then before it gets dark. He leads me back to his house and I'm created by the six boys again.

"Hi again are you staying the night?" The boy asks giving an evil smile to Jungkook. If I remember correctly his name is V. Jungook looks at him with wide eyes. "What? I felt bad for the fans almost killing her so I'm letting her stay the night. Its not a big deal."

He grabs my hand and leads me back to his room. I hear another voice whisper "he's in denial. He's never been around a girl for this long and doesn't know how to handle it." What he's never been around a girl like this? I find that surprising.

"How so?" "He's the famous golden maknae. How can he not know what it's like to be with a girl?" I was interrupted by jungkook talking. "Hey...sorry about them...they uh..don't know how to react when I'm around a..girl." I blink myself back to reality "Oh it's ok." But why hasnt he been with a girl. I just find that interesting.

"So what do you want to do since I'm staying the night?" I ask trying to start a conversation. He looks up and I can see that he's blushing. "Well we can..." When he's in mid sentence Jimin walks in. "We can play truth or dare." Jungkook looks at him with wide eyes.

Jungkooks pov

"We can play truth or dare." I look
Jimin with wide eyes. Why? Out of all the games that we can play we have to play truth or dare. Ugh I just hope nothing too weird happens. Then again we're playing with the boys so.... I'm screwed.

"Ok Myah truth or dare?" Jimin asks. She puts her hand on her chin and takes a minute to decide which one she wants to choose.

She smirks "Dare." She says in a low tone. "She's a tough one boys. She might just win." Oh I forgot to mention that to make the game more interesting the winner of the game gets to choose a punishment for the player of their choice. *sigh* I hope I have good luck.

"Alright Myah I dare you to hold my hand for the next two turns." He smirks. She gets up from her spot in the circle and walks over to Jimin. She sits down and takes his hand in hers. Now that a dare like that has been made and she went through with it it's going to get crazy.

"Jungkook truth or dare?" She asks smiling. Do I play it safe or try to win a point? Hmmm ooo I know. I smirk.

Myahs pov

"Jungkook truth or dare?" I say smiling at him. He takes a moment then smirks at me.

"Dare." He says not breaking the strong eye contact that we have. I think for a second then I come up with the perfect dare. He will never go through with it and I'll get another point. Bwahaha.

" I dare you to switch clothes with me." I say with confidence. He looks at me like he just saw a ghost. I continue to look at him making sure he knows that I mean business. He takes a deep breath and stands up walking over to me. Is he actually going to do it? Dang mad props to him I'm wearing short shorts and they most likely won't be comfortable.

"Lest go then." He takes my hand and we walk to the nearest bedroom. He shuts the door and locks it. We both turn around and start to hand each other our clothes.

"Ugh how do you put this thing on?" He says in frustration while trying to put on my shirt. By this time I'm already fully clothed so I go to help him. I laugh seeing that he put his head in the sleeve.

"What are you laughing at?" He says "Well you put your head in the wrong hole." I giggle and he notices then starts to laugh as well. Once I help him get the shirt on we walk back out to the living room.

"Aw Myah looks so cute." Yoongi says. I walk back over to Jimin and take his hand since the second turn hasn't passed. After a while of playing everyone gets bored and decided that I was the winner.

"So Myah who do you choose for the punishment?" Taehyung asks. I look around the room and my eyes land on Jin. I point to him and smile.

"Jin your punishment is that all the boys have to prepare a dish for you and you have to eat it. The catch is you have to eat whout your hands." Jin looks at me with an evil look as if he was going to get me back.

However the boys were just fine with the punishment and ran to the kitchen to start making their dishes. After TWENTY minutes of Jin complaining and slowly eating he finally finishes his dare.

"I'll get you back Myah. I shall have my revenge." He points at me and slowly disappears into his room. I giggle and make my way to jungkooks room. He's waiting for me to get in bed. Uh I did not know that we would be sleeping in the same bed I am NOT ready for this.

He looks at me confused "Well are you going to get in bed?" He asks I just blink not knowing what to say. "You know it's just for one night it's not like I'm going to tie you to my bed and never let you leave." He says patting the empty space in the bed.

I guess he's right he hasn't done anything to make me feel unsafe. So I walk to the bed and immediately fall asleep.


Hey guys sorry for not posting in forever I was having a HUGE writers block and was unable to come up with new ideas for my stories but hopefully I will no longer have a problem and will be able to post more often THANK YOU for reading my story and see you in the next chapter! :)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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