Twice in one day!

43 7 26

I was tagged again! XD
This time by RebelRen

1. Whats your favorite show?
MLP! Or every cooking show! :3

2. Favorite animal?

3. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
A MacBook and a bunch of MLP and Harry Potter T-Shirts

4. What kind of music do you listen to?
Whatever is on the radio

5. If you had any power what would it be?
My friend said that I should have a drawing power. Anything I draw comes to life so I can use it. Even stuff that I have drawn before!

6. What kind of anime/show do you watch?
No anime. Types of shows? Cooking shows and cartoons

7. Deadpool or Superman?
Uh Superman? Idk I'm not huge into superhero stuff.

8. Monday! Yes or no?

9. What time did you find/finish this?
Found it. A couple hours ago. Finished it 8:30 pm

10. Instagram or Snapchat?
I don't have either but probably Instagram

I tag
SkittlesWrites Blue_cloud_writes Xx_DJCat_xX Fluffypuppy88love spfairy aceyface09 yeah I don't know who else...

The Random Side of a Meerkat {Wattys 2016} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin