Thirty Things about Me

Start from the beginning


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7. At the Gulf of Mexico, 2005

 At the Gulf of Mexico, 2005

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8. Self-Portrait

9. Favorite book: "Dandelion Wine," by Ray Bradbury.

10. Writing fuel: My Muse, my dreams, reading, and people-watching

11. Notebooks, devices: Pen and paper

12. Do you procrastinate: What? Me procrastinate?

13. My cheerleader is Mahteighja Miller-Gill

14. Where do I write: My grandfather Wescott's oak desk.

15. Where do I read: I read at my desk while online or in my bed where I curl up with my book.

16. Monday? Every day is the same for me.

17. Favorite quote from my favorite book is, "'I'm alive.'

'Heck, that's old!'

Thinking about it, noticing it, is new. You do things and don't watch. Then all of a sudden you look and see what you're doing; and it's the first time, really." (Dandelion Wine, Ray Bradbury)

18. I don't eat red meat, period. I do eat dairy, poultry, fish, along with vegetables. I drink three normal sized cups of coffee per day, water, but no alcoholic beverages.

19. My favorite fan, supporter: Everyone who supports me is my favorite.

20. Greatest distraction: Facebook.

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