Dinner went smoothly and it was delicious. I went up to my bedroom and called Aaron to see how practice went.

"Hey dude." He greeted.

"Hey! How did practice go?" I asked as I fell back onto my bed.

"Yeah it was ok. Just the usual stuff. Anyway how did the step mum and brother go?"

"Yeah its great. Sebastian, my new stepbrother is coming to our school on Monday. He seems like a nice guy." I said.

"Oh great! I'll call you later or something OK? I'm about to head into the shower right now, I'm drenched in sweat man." 

"Yeah. I'll catch you up later." And I replied and hung up, I bet he looks so sexy right now, sweat making his top stick to his body... then was a little knock on the door and Sebastian's head peeked through. "Oh hey...you can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the couch." I offered.

"Thank you" He smiled. "But you don't have to. I can sleep on the couch instead."

"No no no no. It's your first day at this house so you can have the bed" I smiled. "So how do you like America?"

"It's really nice, the weathers nicer here. In England it just always rains. But I'm just nervous about going to school." he said. Wow his accent...is fucking hot. I haven't hear him say more than three sentences before so I didn't really notice it but...wow...

Ugh what am I thinking?! why do I keep getting these feelings for him. I like Aaron!

"Don't be. You'll make a lot of friends especially with that accent. Trust me. All American girls dig British dudes."

"Really....? Lucky for me then." He chuckled slightly.

Then throughout the day, we got to know each other and my heart keeps pounding. We played some video games and I went to sleep, he slept on my bed and I slept on couch in my room. It was Saturday the next day so I didn't get up until afternoon when I was woken by Sebastian. which was pretty nice. Then dad asked me to give him a tour around town, such as where the Library is; the mall and bus stops. We went home pretty late and Natalie cooked us sometime whiles dad was at work.


Sebastian woke me up early by knocking on my door and telling to get ready, since his bed came and he returned to his room. I woke up and went to take a quick shower in my en suite and got ready, I walked downstairs and Natalie made waffles! I ate a couple of them and drove me and Sebastian to school.

"There's no need to be nervous OK? Just act yourself and if anyone bullies you just come to me. I am your step brother after all" I winked at him and he blushed a little, making me chuckle inside. We arrived at school and bumped into Aaron. "Hey Aaron this is my step brother, Sebastian. Sebastian this is Aaron, my closest friend." I introduced them.

"Hey" Aaron greeted.

"Hi...." Sebastian said.

Looking at the both of them, my feelings are all over the place. I still have feelings towards Aaron yet as well as Sebastian. It's so weird! Do I love them both? Wait I can't. Sebastian is my step brother, I can't ruin this for dad. And I don't know Sebastian well enough to 'love' him.

Aaron went off to his first lesson and I had to take Sebastian to his and then I went to my lesson.

~A Couple of weeks later~

It's a Sunday today and I'm half way walking home. Sebastian seems to get along with everyone and made a couple of friends, I know that one of them is called Porsha. However he and Aaron doesn't seem to get along that well for some reason.Also, Aaron that bastard ditched me today to go to the gym alone, to go and hang out with his 'other friends' . If he has a girl, I'm going to be pissed. I'll hate her with all my might.

I got back home and the house seems empty since dad and Natalie went out on a date and I think Sebastian went out to hand around with Porsha. I hope he doesn't have a girl too. Ugh my stupid feelings! I walked up to my room and dropped of my gym bag on the floor and took my headphones out of my ears. My phone was about to die and I left the charger in Sebastian's room since he borrowed it. I walked over to his room and I started to hear some sound, which sound like moans and the door was slightly open. That was when I saw Sebastian riding on Aaron, both naked. 

~Present Day~

Now you're all caught up. What am I going to do! Sebastian gave up knocking ten minutes ago when I didn't answer. I just don't know what to do! Even thought they shouted my name but that doesn't mean they like me! And I thought they weren't even close!

"Seth" Oh great how it's Aaron. "Will you please listen to me? I have something important to tell you"

Hope you liked it guys! I know the chapter wasn't all that but it will get better soon! I hope...

Me, My Step Brother & My Best Friend (Boyxboy) (IN MAJOR EDITING)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat