Young boys

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18th Dec 1941, WWII Wokingham,

Dan listened to the radio in the drawing room. ''An announcement, the Ministry of Defense has passed the National Service Act, all men of ages 18 to 51 are now liable for enlistment to some form of military service. After last May's London bombing-'' He was scared, he just turned 18 in June. Dan never wanted to be a soldier, he wanted to be an actor like William Powell and Jean Gabin.  Yet, in a way he was thrilled, it was new. 


January 1942, WWII Rossendale,

Phil never imagined it would get this far but he always knew he had to. He had to follow in his brother's footsteps. Martyn was a Lieutenant, even before the war started. And so was his father, he fought at Verdun and Somme in the Great war, and his father often stated that he would've fought in this war, if he wasn't old and crippled. ''Fighting for your people is an honor.'' His father always said. 

As he packed his bags, his brother Martyn walked in,

''Are you really taking all those books?''

''Yes.'' Phil replied with a serious look on his face.

''I like reading... apart from all the killing, what else am I going to do?'' He cheekily grinned at his brother.

Martyn laughed, ''It won't be any killing for you yet, little brother. Bootcamp first.''

After they finished packing, they headed to the train station. Phil and Martyn, dressed in their neat uniforms, said their goodbyes. ''Make me proud.'' their father insisted. ''We will.'' Martyn responded. 

His mother demanded that Martyn brought him back safe and well. Phil was always her favorite.

''I will, mother.'' Martyn vowed with a serious look on his face.

They saluted their father and kissed their mother goodbye. Phil was exited to leave their boring village behind. He always wanted to go on an adventure but this wasn't exactly the adventure he had in mind.  Phil waved eagerly out of the window until he couldn't see the platform anymore. 

After five long hours they arrived at King's Cross Station in London. Martyn stayed in London. From here Phil had to travel alone southwards. ''Goodbye for now.'' His brother Martyn, said as they stood on the platform. 

''I'll see you soon, though?'' Phil asked worryingly. ''Yes, but not for a few weeks or months. We'll see.'' Martyn replied. ''Private Lester.'' Martyn added and smiled proudly. Phil saluted, 

''Lieutenant Lester.'' Phil mocked. His older brother saluted back. 

 Before Phil got on his train to Devon, Martyn gave him a present. ''Before I forget.'' he gasped.

''Mum told me to give you this.'' Martyn gave him a tiny brown box wrapped in red string, it said: 'For your birthday, don't open until you get on the train to Devon. Love Mum and Dad. xxx' 

Phil and Martyn hugged tightly. Phil didn't want to let go but his brother left. 

At this moment, Phil realized he was all alone,  two tears dropped on his cheek. He quickly wiped them away.


January 1942, Wokingham,

His family and friends gathered outside in the wet English weather. Dan walked past every person saying 'goodbye'. His father couldn't care less if his boy was sent to fight, he had a stern look on his face. His mother, though, she detested it. She didn't want her firstborn to leave. Which made his parents relationship even worse.

It was time to leave. He swung his backpack over his shoulder and hugged his mother tightly. ''Promise you'll come back.'' She said.

''I promise.'' Dan replied, confidently. He ruffled his younger brothers hair and coldly shook his father's hand as they said goodbye. His mother kissed his head one last time. ''Promise.'' she repeated.

''I promise, mother!'' 

His mother started to cry, he too wanted to cry. He stepped in the car. ''Ready, Lord Daniel?'' asked the chauffeur. ''Yes.'' replied Dan. He could see his parents, brother and friends get smaller as the car drove away.

As his eyes finally started to water, he could see the last tower of Howell Manor disappear into the trees.

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