I was still too drunk to get all worked up, so I nodded and shut my eyes. I could deal with my parents tomorrow.


Arriving at my house was horrible. I let out a groan and rolled my eyes almost instantly when I saw my dad standing at the door with his arms crossed. It was like he knew I was coming at this exact moment.

I had only left Austin's house a few minutes ago and the walk wasn't too long because he always dropped me off a neighborhood away from my house. It was easier that way so that they wouldn't see him.

"Alan Anthony Ashby, where in God's name have you been?" My dad scowled. I rubbed at my eyes tiredly, hung over with a headache and he was only making it worse.

"Relax, I was just staying with Aaron." I lied. Aaron could always cover for me. I was after all, not telling anyone he was gay. He doesn't rat me out, I won't tell anyone that he's gay. I wouldn't out him anyway, but I like to make him think I would so that he could hold up his part of the deal.

"Don't lie to me! You were with that indecent boy from the Carlile family!" My dad spat, following me as I pushed passed him to go inside. I didn't want to say anything, I didn't want to cause more trouble, but I couldn't let him talk about Austin like that.

"This again?! Are you kidding me?! I wasn't even with him this time!" I yelled at him. I only ever got disrespectful and angry at my parents when they talked about Austin and his family the wrong way.

"Alan! Where have you been? I was worried sick!" My mother frowned, coming into the living room.

"With Aaron. Why can't you just believe me?" I said, looking back at my dad.

"Because I called his house! He answered the phone himself, and told me you weren't there!"

My face drained of all color. I stopped arguing immediately and instantly backed away into the door. I hadn't been in trouble for a long time, it had been four months actually. Four months.

I reached for the door to try and escape, but my dad was faster than me and he already had a firm grip on my arm, pulling me away towards the stairs behind the door.

I wouldn't be so terrified if we were going upstairs, but we were headed towards the wretched basement.

"No...n-no, dad please, please, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't." I begged. I tried getting out of his hold but he was stronger than me and bigger than me, picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder as I screamed and hit his back.

"Mom! Please, mom! Please!" I cried, I was already shaking, the hot tears coming quick. 

"I'm sorry...you know the rules, baby...it'll be over before you know it."

And then he had the door shut behind us, pulling out a key and locking it. The room was dark, even with the dim light on. He walked us down the stairs slowly, my heart pleading to beat out of my chest.

"D-Dad...p-please, please don't do it! I'm sorry!" I sobbed. He said nothing, instead kept walking until he got to the bottom of the stairs. He set me down, and I would have ran, but he had locked the door and I had tried it too many times before.

He walked over to the far side of the room, to the old, broken and rusty chest freezer. My eyes blurred, the tears never stopping. I should have learned my lesson the first time, and here I was, still breaking rules.

He had the chest freezer opened, and he walked over to me as I viciously shook my head, whimpering.

"Dad..." Was all I could get out. He picked me up, his strong arms not giving out as I struggled to free myself.

"STOP!" I screamed. He shoved me into the freezer, pushing down hard on my chest so that I would stay down as he pushed it closed. I could feel the panic attack coming as I screamed my lungs out, my legs folded up to my chest in the small space. I banged on the walls of the freezer, crying out for him to let me out. My breathing was short and quick, but I couldn't get any air into my lungs. I was trembling, my hands getting cut up as I banged on the nails that were sticking out on the walls around me.

I heard the click of a lock and then my dads footsteps leaving the room.

"STOP! DONT GO! HELP ME! HELP!" I screamed, my voice breaking as I sobbed in the dark. It was so small in here and I couldn't breathe, my heart was beating too fast, my own screams sounded muffled to me. "DAD! PLEEASE!"

My mind went hazy and my final thought before I passed out was,

How long will they keep me in here, this time?

A/N: Sorry to end it on such a grim note.

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