My Little Star

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Vik's P.O.V.

I heard my Skype start to ring and I saw that it was from Tobi.

"Hey, what's up?" I said smiling.

Tobi and I are in a relationship. We haven't really talked about it with anyone else. We have been dating for almost a year now and we are thinking that at prom we are going to tell the rest of the guys but we are not sure.

"I need you to play GTA, like right now." He said laughing, confusing me.

"I have homework and all that, can we play later?"

"No we have to play now. I'm serious you'll enjoy it." He said as I just grabbed my remote and started up my PS.

"Okay what do you want to show me." I said as I got onto the multiplayer world, where Tobi was no where in site.

"Look up." He said as I looked up to see a plan.

He started to fly and then I realized what he did. He spelt PROM?

"Vik? Will you go to prom with me?" He said laughing as I saw him come down out of the plane.

I looked at my Skype call to see him holding something.

"What is that?" I said looking at him as he just smiled.

"A snapback, with a star. You're my little star and I always wear snapbacks and I've always wanted to see you in one," he said laughing, "so will you go to prom with me and wear it?"

 You're my little star and I always wear snapbacks and I've always wanted to see you in one," he said laughing, "so will you go to prom with me and wear it?"

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"Of course I will." I said laughing as he just smiled.

"I promise that our relationship will work even after I go to college. We will figure out a way." He said holding the snapback and looking at me with his loving eyes.

"I know we will, I just couldn't bare to lose you." I said starting cry.

"Please don't cry, I don't want to see my little star cry, you're too beautiful." He said obviously almost crying.

"I know I just, I love you Tobi." What did I just say?

We've never said I love you before, what is he going to think.

"Look, I got to get back to-

"Vik, I love you too." He said cutting me off and smiling.

I started to cry even more, but only tears of joy.

"How am I so lucky to have someone like you." I said laughing as he just laughed too.


We just talked for hours about other things, but then I realized what time it was and that I still didn't finish my work or take a shower.

"I got to go, talk to you tomorrow. Love you." I said smiling and tingling just saying those three words.

"I love you too." He said giggling as we hung up.

I've never been so happy in my whole entire life. I love everything about him. He just makes me feel so happy and makes me feel like we are the only two in this universe and that nothing can hurt us.

"Vikram, your father and I would like to talk to you." I hear my mum yell up the stairs.

"Okay, I'll be down in a second." I yelled back.

"No now, Vikram." My mum says as I open my door and run downstairs.

"What's up?" I asked as I see my dad and mum on the couch leaving a chair for me.

"Your father and I, we are getting a divorce. I am going to take your little sister and you are going to be with your father." My mum said as my whole entire world just changed.

"What, what do you mean? I am not going to live here anymore? I grew up here." I said upset with them.

"Look you are going to the same school district, just in a different neighborhood." My dad said getting up trying to comfort me.

"Look honey we think that this is for the best. It will be better for you to live with your dad anyway." My mum said as she also came to comfort me.

"Look can I just take a break. I have homework to do." I said as they got up.

"Okay honey, we're moving this weekend." My dad said as I just ran up the stairs not being able to handle this all.

First they tell me that they are divorcing, now I have to move? Are they trying to ruin my childhood?

Vik ⭐️: hey I really need to talk to you. A lot has happened and I just need you.

Tobi 🌚: what's wrong?

Vik ⭐️: my parents are getting a divorce and I am going to have to move.

Tobi 🌚: wait what?! Where are you moving?

Vik ⭐️: don't worry I am going to be in the same school district just different neighborhood. If just feels like everything is changing so fast, you're going to college, my parents are getting a divorce, I'm not even going to live in my childhood house anymore.

Tobi 🌚: everything is going to be okay, I promise. I love you Vik, don't forget that. We'll get through this together ❤️

Vik ⭐️: thank you Tobi, I can always count on you to cheer me up. I love you too, goodnight. ❤️🌌

A/N: so I think that I already said this, but this is not just minizerk, this is also going to have the other Sidmens' P.O.V. in it. The main idea of it, is Josh and Simon, you know minizerk. So yeah I thought I should just say that before someone is like, 'wait why is there just a random bit of vobi here?' Also I just wanted to say that not all of the sidemen are gay and going to date one another, okay? Okay.

Thanks for all of the support really means a lot to me. I hope you guys like this book as much as the others. It isn't going to be quite as dramatic as the other, it is going to be more based off of actual school so I hope you guys are okay with that. Also I'll be uploading again today so look out for that. Anyway that is all, bye!

How do I Say These Three Words? -minizerk AU-Where stories live. Discover now