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"Ouch. Ow. Ouch, ouch."

Natasha opened the door to 31st floor, and saw that the team was gathered around the TV watching football. It was Washington Redskins against the New York Giants.

She limped to the cupboard, and opened the draw. She took out needle and linens, and went back down to her room, seeing as Bruce was busy. She went on to take alcohol from the counter, and opened her wound.

She took a deep breath, and opened the bottle, then poured it over it.

She let out a painful and loud scream, and clutched on to her pillow. She heard rapid footsteps, and sighed.

"NAT!" A voice shouted across the door.

"Yeah." She groaned, and sniffed.

"Open, the door." Tony declared.

"It's open."

Thor opened the door, and they all looked at Natasha who lay on her bed. She clutched  the bottle in her hand, and the needle.

"I asked Clint, to pick me up, but he never came." She sniffed.

"Get her to the MED bay."

Steve and Thor helped Natasha up, as she put both hands around their shoulders, and pushed herself on to her feet. They took the stairs, seeing as the lift would take time. And once they reached the MED Bay, Bruce and Tony were all ready waiting for her there.

"Bring her here." Clint said.

They set her down on the table. Tony closed her curtain, and began to help Bruce close up the wound. They injected Natasha with morphine, so she wouldn't feel any pain.

"I feel, like a cloud." She slurred and giggled. "Is that normal, cause if is, I ain't getting drunk again."

"No. It's morphine, so you can't feel pain Tash." Bruce replied.

"I still feel pain, in my waist." She hiccuped. "Right.," And she lead her hand to her waist, and touched her bullet wound, and winced. "Here."

"Oh, the Morphine must be wearing off, but we're finished anyway." Tony smiled, and pinched her cheek.

She slapped it away, and pressed her eyes shut, and gasped. The morphine had fully worn off.

"Wow." She panted. "It's does that?" She breathed.

"Pretty much. How you feeling?" Bruce asked, while giving her a spare change of clothes. "And most of all, what happened?"

"I'm fine thanks! And I was on a mission. I'm off the field for at least two; maybe three weeks." She said, while putting on her clothes, and giving Tony her catsuit. "You need to modify that. It's to thick,"

"Will do."

They opened the curtain, and saw them all watching the match, in the MED bay.

"That is disgusting. And disturbing." She shuddered.

Thor was eating Pop corn, and was drooling, while Steve was stuffing his face is candy floss. Clint was biting nails, and mumbling something, while glaring at the TV.

"Good night."

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