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Imma down to Earth nigga with intentions that's right

You'll be down in Earth quicker if you diss me tonight

But I'll be the happiest if you decide to kick it tonight...

Jacob POV

I was extremely tired after my daily cutting session , so I immediately cleaned the wounds on my arm. I pressed down on them with a familiar pain shooting through my entire body.

"Ahhhh..", I hissed as I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes .

After that was taken care of I walked into the bathroom , stripped, and hopped into the steaming shower. Something about the hot pellets of water hitting my bare skin made me feel a little calmer. My mind wandered to Imani ...a few more of my tears mingled with the shower water and ran down my face . Damn I cry too much.

I just wanted nothing more than to have her with me here...in my arms..in my bed..in the shower with me .. I smirked at the thought and shut the water off before my thoughts got too x rated.

"They won't be just imaginations soon..soon they'll be reality " ,I assured myself.

You see, I've done a little stalking on ms. Imani. She's 16 and she's a sophomore in Clearlake High right here in Atlanta. I plan to enroll myself tomorrow and "tadahh!' We'll get married and live happily ever after . And if she doesn't want to be with me well...

I let out a dark chuckle.

No one will have her. Simple.

I slid under my covers and slowly felt myself fall asleep. The last thing I thought about was the first time I laid eyes on Imani before my heavy eyelids closed and I fell into a deep sleep ..

*Jacobs Dream/Flasback*

It's not that I hate my job. I mean it pays good a guess. It's pretty basic . Slightly creepy. But basic.

Like the Asian guy with the blonde hair who works with me at the concession counter ? Swear ol' dude steady checkin me out. The other day he kept droppin popcorn & shit so he could watch me pick it up . Too bad I don't roll that way my nigga *holds hands up* Sorry.

So anyway I'm just minding my business fixing the soda machine when Diggy, my other coworker starts getting all hype. The fuck he hype f0r? It's a Tuesday afternoon and its slow as hell. And its raining. No one watches movies on these types of days.

"Gawwwd Daaammnn!!!" Diggy half yells.

My back is turned to the entrance so I didn't know what was happening. I finished what I was doing and leaned against the wall next to Diggy.

"What's good?"

He's still staring at someone, biting his lip a little too hard .

"What's good? Don't you see that fine ass girl over there!? Damn shawty is ALL that!!"

I looked in his direction and right there my heart just ..stopped..

Right there only 10 feet away from me was the most stunning girl I'd seen in my life . She had a soft mocha complexion and long jet black hair . her eyes were almond shape and she had these plump medium sized lips.. she had a small waist with a nice hips and a nice pair of breasts to top it off. And lastly she was wearing high waisted shorts and a tank top that really complimented her curvy figure , and a baggy floral jacket to top it off .

"Jacob ..JACOB!" Diggy snapped in my face.


"Nigga you good?You been staring at the girl for damn near 5 minutes straight. she starting to walk over here"

I hadn't even noticed my mouth was wide open and I had a noticeable bulge in my pants.

Diggy started cracking up . "Oh hell naw "

I tried to conceal the blush on my cheeks..damn my light skin. Oh and my pants . I tried to hide that too.

"Here she come here she come"

The girl walked up to the counter and have gave Diggy a small smile before pulling out her card. He was working the cash register and I was standing next to him , still staring .

"Hi umm.. I'll have a small popcorn , a hotdog, nachos, fries, aaandd a sprite ." She handed him her card

"Damn. We have quite an appetite today don't we?" Diggy commented, laughing a little.

The girl blushed and replied

"Yeaa well you know "

"You know I'm on the menu too baby girl " Diggy winked.

Immediately her smile dropped and she had a "You're kidding right ?" look on her face.

"Very funny but unfortunately I'm not interested . Can I have my food now ?"

Diggy smacked his lips and left, getting her food.

"You alright there Afro boy ?"

I was still staring .


Quickly, I got myself somewhat together .

"Oh um.. M-my bad I'm J-Jacob" I continued to look at her up an down... just ..Damn!!

"Jacob..." She repeated

Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck . The way she said my name GOD. It just turned me all the way on. She just has this angelic voice that just ..ugh.

"That's a cute name . I'm Imani. And your hair! Can I touch it?" She didn't even let me reply before she started running her delicate fingers through my curly locks.

Fuuuuucckk. I closed my eyes and started breathing heavily. That was one of my many weak spots. She quickly took her hand away and my eyes shot open

"Woah Jacob were you alright ? You were breathing real heavy and - "

"Sorry.. And what?"

"You got a little ..a little um.."

She pointed to my pants.

Just then Diggy arrived with her food.

"What were y'all talkin about? Jacob you alright bro?"

Imani took her food and started to head to her movie .

"I'm gonna be late to my movie but it was nice meeting you guys . Bye Jacob .." She smirked at me, looking at my pants once again and winked . Then she walked away.

Shit. That wink doe. Omfg. Can't . Breathe. My feelings. Like..

"Bye Imani" I said , even though she was now out of sight.

"That's some weird shit dude." Diggy shook his head

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