Chapter 8

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After finding out how horribly my father betrayed my mum, Aunt Lily, and Uncle James, I was so livid.

I ran to the spot I would meet Snuffles at. He wasn't there, normally I'm not here at this point either though.

"Snuffles!" I shouted out, whistled, then waited for him.

The second he did show up, I pulled him into a giant hug. I vented all of my frustrations to him.

I told him about dad. How he betrayed them all. How he killed Peter Pettigrew. And how he is now in Azkaban for it.

Snuffles licked my face, letting me cry into his fur.


I woke up, my mind hazy. I had my arms wrapped around Snuffles, my head laying on the hard ground.

I sat up, attempting to wipe the dried tears from my face.

"Thank you. For everything, Snuffles." I planted a kiss upon his head. Then went back to Ravenclaw tower. 


I continued going out to The Black Lake everyday on my free period and before dinner. Everytime I was out there, Snuffles was right by my side. I would bring him food and sit and talk with him. Or we would play with a stick.

I would play the violin often. I was getting better every single day.

If I had too much homework, I would blast the music on the ipod and work on it.

I became so close to this dog, it was like he was my best friend.

**Christmas Break**

Harry and I joined the Weasleys at The Burrow for Christmas break. Lily stayed up through Christmas eve dinner.

It was nice. To be surrounded by a real family. One without any motives to use me to become "the perfect nuclear family" as Aunt Petunia says.

Plus this way, Harry gets to join in on the festivities. Seeing him smiling makes me happy.

Harry and I even recieved a Mrs. Weasley hand knitted jumper! I haven't taken it off since I got it.

**June 9**

I was playing the violin by the Black Lake after dinner. Snuffles was nowhere to be seen.

I finally perfected the song the girl played! The one called Shatter Me.

There are still no indications of what her name was.

I heard a shout in the distance. It sounded like Ron.

I packed up the violin and my books, making my way over to where I heard the noise come from.

I saw Ron, clutching Scabbers, dangerously close to the Whomping Willow. Then Harry and Hermione standing not far off. Ron' s face paled as he pointed, shouting out, "Harry, Hermione, run! It's the grim!"

I looked into the direction Ron was pointing to see Snuffles, snarling and growling. He dashed by Harry and Hermione, going straight for Ron. He grabbed Ron's leg, dragging him into a rabbit hole at the base of the tree.

"Snuffles! NO!" Harry, Hermione, and I all ran forward. A tree limb smacked Hermione in her chest as another knocked off Harry's glasses. A third limb smacked me hard across the back of my head, and another to my stomach. Hermione swung around, grabbed Harry by the shirt and threw him into the rabbit hole.

Just when Hermione reached the right spot I grabbed onto her and we flew down the rabbit hole too.

I fell on top of Hermione, who was on top of Harry.


"Where do you suppose this leads?" Hermione asked.

"I've got a hunch. Let's go." Harry said.

Hermione and I followed closely behind Harry as we entered an upstairs bedroom.
"Harry! Hermione! Belle! Get out! He's the dog! He's an animagus!" Ron cried out.

The door creaked closed, as my father walked out from behind the door.

"Sirius Black." Harry said as he pulled his wand.

"NO! I befriended you! I thought you were just a harmless dog!" I shouted as I tried to fling myself forward. Harry and Hermione held me back.

"You won't harm Harry with us here!" Hermione stuttered.

"No. Only one will die tonight."

"Then it'll be you!" Harry shouted as he launched for my father.

My head began pounding with all the adrenaline. I collapsed onto the bed next to Ron. My vision blurry, my head bleeding profusely.

"Belle!" Ron shouted as he grabbed ahold of me, pulling me onto the bed next to him.

I could only grab bits and pieces of the conversation. Lupin showed up. He's a werewolf, and friends with my father. Then Snape appeared, not sure when he disappeared, however.

I think something about Ron's rat is Peter Pettigrew was said.

All the information that may or may not be real became too much, and I blacked out.

**One Week Later**

I finally wake up, groggy and with only one memory. My father, Sirius Black, is the dog I had become so close to all year.

I am so angry. I am confused. Why did he become close to me?

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Oh good! You're finally awake! I wasn't sure what was going to happen." Madam Pomfery fussed over me as she handed me potions and talked some more.

I couldn't hear what she was saying. I was still stuck. My father is Snuffles.

Once Madam Pomfery was sure I would not pass out once more, she sent me down for the end of term feast.

As I entered the hall all eyes were on me.

I quickly made my way to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Belle! Oh Merlin! I was so worried. Are you ok?" Harry asked as he engulfed me into a huge hug.

"Yea. But I can't remember anything. Except that Snuffles is Sirius Black." I said as the image replayed in my mind.

"We'll explain on the train, ok?"

"Yea. I'm going to go to my table."

"Hey Luna."

"Oh! Mirabelle! How are you?"


"Well at least there's that. Perhaps too many nargles invaded your brain."

"Maybe, Luna. Thanks."

"Oh, you're welcome."


"So yes, Sirius is Snuffles. But he's not bad. Peter Pettigrew betrayed our parents, including your father."

"No. Pettigrew is dead."

"No. He killed the people in that alley. Then he cut off his finger, turned into his animagus form, which is a rat. Then he found a wizard family, the Weasleys." Hermione said.

"Fine. So what happened to him."

"Hermione and I saved him, and Buckbeak. They went into hiding together."

"Oh and Lupin is a werewolf and an old friend of your fathers' and mine."

My jaw dropped.


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