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The rain came down in all directions, hitting Mark ferociously. He pulled is coat further over his body to try and keep him warm and dry. His feet were wet and his hair stuck to his face as he attempted to open the studio door. He gave up trying to open the door with one hand, letting go of his coat and exposing his clothes to the harsh weather, Mark yanked the door open with both hands. He didn't need to close the door behind as the wind took care of that. He was wet, cold and wanted to be back at home cuddled up with Emma and the kids, but today was the day he was finding out if Take That would be losing another member. The sound of his feet hitting the floor boards echoed around the small hallway. Before him stood the stairs, and at the top was news he knew he wouldn't like. Every step he took, Mark stopped to see if he could hear Gary, Howard or Jason. Silence. Mark breathed deeply and slowly before he proceeded to climb the stairs. Mark stood in front of the door, hand hovering over the handle. Only his breathing could be heard. Slowly he opened the door to find three pairs of eyes staring at him. Mark smiled and removed his coat, placing it on the back of his chair. Still no one had spoken, making Mark feel uncomfortable and nervous. "Since everyone is here, do you want to tell us the good or the bad news?"  Gary spoke shakily, playing with his thumbs, then turn and looked at Jason as he finished his sentence, his eyes starting to fill up. All eyes we fixed onto Jason, sat with his head down, circling his index finger around the rim off his mug. Marks heart started to beat faster. This was it. He sat up straight in his chair, holding his breath and closing his eyes. "Sorry lads", Jason spoke quietly. Mark scrunched up his face, tears streaming down his cheeks that then landed onto his lip. Howard was the first to stand, walking over to Jason and embracing him with a hug. Gary was next. Mark was last. He shuffled over to them, trying to put his arm around Jason but he couldn't reach. Jason pulled him close so he was in the middle.  "Thank you and good luck" Jason said before pulling away. The three men watched him depart from the room and close the door behind him. The room fell silent before it was awoken by Marks sobbing. Gary wrapped his arm around him and pulled him close. Mark buried his face into Gary's shirt, taking in his scent. He wanted Jason back. They all wanted Jason back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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