chapter 6

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"Hey Maou!" (Y/n) said," Wanna' go swimming after work?"

He shrugged, "Why not, but, will you be okay Suzanno comes along?"
(Y/n) nodded, a bitter look taking over her previously happy expression.

-time skip-

"Let's go! Come on, we'll be late." (Y/n) said dragging Urushihara away from the computer. "But my game..." He whined "No." She said coldly. They put on their sandals and locked the door, while walking they saw Emi and Rika walking."EMI, WAIT UP!" She yells grabbing Hara's hand and running towards her friend.

"Hey (y/n), have you met my friend Rika?" Emi asked
"No, hello my name is (Y/n) nice to meet you." (Y/n) said smiling.
"Hi, nice to meet you too." Rika said with a friendly smile.
"Greetings good Urushihara, good (Y/n)."
Why the hell is she here, oh yeah Maou invited her.
"Go eat shi-" (Y/n) began to say what she was thinking until Hara elbowed her in the rib,"Hey Suzzano."
"Sup" Urushihara said casually as if nothing happened.
-at the beach-

"Maou! Ashiya! CHI!" (Y/n) said enveloping them into a tight hug. She took off her cover up and jumped in the lake. Soon after everyone else got in as well. (Y/n) splashed Urushihara in the face, he splashed her back and it was one big splash war with the gang.

The Fallen Angel (Urushihara X Reader) [VERY LONG HOLD]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя