Found her

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Edwards pov
We were running when I heard I little cry I stop running left and run right then I see a little girl about 1 or 2 years of age then my family caught up and Alice asked what is it then when they saw the girl they became quite then I walked up to her when she saw me she hid in her knees then I got down on my knees and I asked her what's your name she quitely said Samantha then I came closer and sat down and put her in my lap then I could feel her shaking then I asked what are you doing out her all by your self she said my parents didn't want me anymore so they through me out and I was out warnings for 6 weeks then I got mad and thought to my self who would do that then she asked what's your name I told her Edward then she repeated Ed ward that's right I said back to her then when she saw the rest of my family she hugged me tightly and buried her head in my chest then I said this is my family do you want to meet them she moved her head up and down I picked her and and walked her over to my family then she took her head out of my chest and I pointed to each of them saying there names Carlisle, Esme, Emmet, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie then she put her head right back in my chest then she fell asleep in my arms then I walked over to Esme and she said lets go home we started to run I covered Samantha's head so the wind wouldn't wake her up then when I started to she the house I stopped running and started to walk then Alice stopped running to and walked right by me then she said to me I can't she her future can you read her mind no I said then she ran again almost waking up Samantha then when we got back to the house we all sat in the living room I sat on the couch and hug Samantha tight but made sure not to hurt her then Alice yelled family meeting Esme sh her then they all sat down and Carlisle said what do we want to do with her then I looked down at her and said I can't let her go not now not ever then Carlisle said who wants Samantha to come and join the family everyone raised there hands then I took Samantha into my room I layed down in my bed still holding on the Samantha then everyone else came in we all heard her stomach growl and Emmet said I'll go down stairs and make her a pizza then he lefted the room the rose said she's so cute soon I felt Samantha moving then she woke up hello Edward she said then she snuggled back into my chest but could not fall back asleep then she asked if she could have something to eat of course I said I picked her up and took her down stairs were emmet made a little pizza with extra cheese on it she sat down at the kitchen island and are her pizza she would not let me leave then when she was done she came over to me and sat on my lap and I hugged her then emmet said you like cake Samantha said yes then emmet pulled out I peace of vanilla cake and Samantha's face lite up she ate the hole thing then night hit I took her up to my room and I sat on the couch she climbed in to my lap and fell asleep with her head in my chest and arms around my neck

My little Samantha (a twilight story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat