Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

I check his memory for the way to school and suddenly I remember my morning ritual that I do in every new person for good luck. I guess it might have slipped my mind this morning but..."Good morning Noel!" I greet myself using his-well my name, for the day, "Good morning Noel...Noel Kahn!"

Soon enough I'm at school and 20 minutes early. I know it's not a normal thing for Noel to be early so I say in his car and grab his backpack from the backseat. I take out his homework and surprisingly he only has a small packet for English and a half sheet for Math, easy!! I zoom through the English packet knowing everything, some classes are ahead of others. Sometimes I actually pay attention in class while other days i don't have the mental strength to go to a school with different teachers, students, friends, even different shoes. It honestly gets emotionally draining and miserable. I have 15 minutes left so I  start the math problems, it's still to early for Noel to be here.

Once I'm done I have 11 minutes left and suddenly I remember that I have to write his name on the paper. I fill in...Name: Emily Fie- I quickly remember this isn't my paper. This isn't my life. This isn't even my name and I change it to Noel Kahn.

I've done it before and gotten in trouble for cheating, but Emily Fields was no where to be found to suffer my consequences with me. Obviously there wasn't an Emily Fields I made that up, that's what I like to call myself at least.

I always hear people calling me that in my dreams. Telling me "Emily, Emmy come home, come back." It's quite haunting actually, sometimes I see their faces other times I can't. Yet I've never meet these people before, well not that I can remember at least.

After I'm done contemplating my nonexistent life I put all of Noel's homework away and grab his backpack leaving his lacrosse gear in the car. I didn't park far away from the school so I can easily get it before practice starts.

I get off the car and immediately I feel a nauseous wave pass over me. Why the heck am I suddenly so nervous, I mean I've done this thousands of times.

I lock the car and approach the path leading to Rosewood Days doors. Okay I really need to take a deep breath. Okay. Ok ok, I'm good now I'm...perfectly fine.

I start to make my way towards the doors when I big jock comes my way.

"Hey what's up Noel! The team is skipping practice and heading for some pizza, better be there. Oh and bring Ali!" He winks at me while patting my back.

"Um yeah I'll try to be there, see you later dude!" I quickly walk away trying to avoid any other form of conversation and go to my locker.

I start putting books away when I feel someone's presence behind me just staring at me. I stop what I'm doing and turn my head to the side, I look through the corner of my eye. It's a girl, with silky blonde flowing locks. Almost like someone you see on a Pantene commercial and her eyes Jesus Christ her eyes! Her eyes are bluer. Clearer than The Maldives in the Indian Ocean. If she wasn't the most beautiful thing I've ever seen than I don't know what is.

She was leaning on one of her legs and her hands were on her hips. I turned back around and got my English book. Usually I would have checked his memory to see who this breathtaking human being was and why the looked so mad at Noel. But when you're me you like challenges and do the same thing gets boring so I decided to figure this out on my own.

I closed my locker and turned around to face the very angry blonde. Just then another blonde approached us, except she was slightly taller and didn't nearly have the same shade of blue eyes...but they were blue.

"Hey Ali, you coming with us!?" The slightly taller blonde asked.

The blonde closest to me, who I'm guessing is Ali, turned to face her friend and her whole demeanor changed. "I have some..."she turned to me with a glare, " to attend to first. But I'll see you in class!"

"Ok, bye Als and...good luck Noel!"

"Bye Han!" Alison said jauntily

"Bye Hanna!" I yelled right after I checked for her name in Noel's memory.

Ali turned to me and resumed her previous stance. I couldn't help but stare. Her perfect hair, eyes, nose, the little wrinkle on her forehead that's forms when she has that mad face and the way she smiled to her friend. I couldn't help but feel awe-struck in her presence.

"Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to apologize for yesterday after your stupid game!"

I was suprised. I was shocked. I was dumbfounded. She seemed so innocent and sweet. What the hell?!? I couldn't help but feel like responding just as harsh. Although, she was probably mad at Noel for a really good reason and he had nothing to defend him. I don't know if it was what I was feeling or if it was what Noel was feeling but I couldn't help it!

I stepped closer to her and raised my voice while clenching my jaw, "MY game is NOT STUPID, YOU are!"

Once those words flew out of my mouth I instantly regretted it. I knew that wasn't my instincts that was his, I saw fear flash through her eyes and I knew this wasn't the first time Noel has lashed out on her like this. I got quick flashes of his memory.

This girl, named Alison DiLaurentis, was the queen bee of Rosewood Day and she doesn't let anyone step on her. This girl was also his girlfriend.

Then I remembered why Alison was mad at Noel. Yesterday, after Noel's lacrosse game, the same one that Alison attend because she was promised a movie date at his house, his teammates decided to celebrate their win with a party. Of course Noel ditched Ali for the party but he also left her at the school alone with no ride or sweater. Ugh teenage boys..this also wasn't the first time Noel had pulled this crap on her.

The bell rang and it was as if snapped her out of her fearful eyes and they turned fierce! "And next time you sleep with another girl again, make sure you lock your phone or something. Because I sure as hell do not want videos or snapchats of the whores you sleep with!" And with that she quickly walked away with her head held high.

Wait wait what??!? She said again! Why the hell would she still be with this dirt bag! She's  so pretty and perfect I mean she might have a slight...ok major attitude but still there's more to her I can tell. More than what Noel knows or realizes or at least more then he cares to notice.

...Oh right I have class, I quickly rushed into English class on time and scanned the room for  a seat. I checked Noel's memory and found out I sat behind Ali and her friends but next to my friends.

I quickly made my way to my seat. I said hi to the guys and turned back around to face the back of Ali's head. Her hair was perfect she was laughing at something Hanna and her friends said. She threw her head backwards laughing, I felt my heart melt.

"Ali" I tapped on her shoulder.

She stopped laughing, turned to me and rolled her eyes. She turned back to the girls and scoffed at me. I scooted over closer to her desk and leaned in.

I quickly check Noel's brain for one of her weaknesses, surprisingly Noel didn't really have any so I decided to just winged it and hope for the best.

Finding You (An Emison Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora