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I woke up with a groan. Checking my clock I realized it was only 6:00 am. "Damn" I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my messy blond fringe and I slowly fixed it. My blue eyes and soft cheeks made me look sorta of babyish. "I'll be weird looking tomorrow as well" I exit the bathroom and walk downstairs and see my mom making breakfast. "Hey Mom." "Hey Sam want some eggs?" "Sure" I sit down and stare at the table cloth. "Mom what times the concert." "I think 10:00 pm honey why?" "I dunno just wondering." "Ok." She sets the eggs down in front of me and slowly I begin to eat them. "Mom can I hang out with Kinsley and Dev today?" "I don't mind." "Yes!" They are also going to the concert with me. I call Kinsley. "What?" She answers groggily. "Tell Devi to wake up and meet me and the park as soon as you can like right now you to ok?" "Ok." She hangs up. I run upstairs and put on black skinny jeans and a black and white flannel. Stepping out the door I yell bye to my mom and hop on my bike. I ride down the drive way and feel the cool breeze on my skin. What will happen if I get to meet Troye Sivan. I pull into the park seeing Kinsley and Dev standing in for the of me. "Hey Devi." "Hey" He says. "No ones gonna say hi to me fine" Kinsley said annoyed. "Hi Kinsley" I laugh at my own crappy joke. "Anyone else dying for Sunday" I say as I raise my hand. Dev and Kinsley look at each other and say in unison "Yes!" I look around. "No Randy and his stinky ass goons I guess." "Nope" says Dev. Kinsley looks around and kicks my bike. "Hey what was that for!" "Fun" Kinsley says bored. We hang out and laugh having fun as the day passes we decide to split ways. "Bye" we all say. I ride home and walk in my moms asleep so I quietly sneak up to my room. I walk over to my unfinished drawing. "Meh" I walk to my mini fridge and grab one of the many peace teas and drink it. "Ok I can stay in tumblr or sleep." "Tumblr" I nod. I scroll tumblr for awhile then turn it off. I walk to bed and fall on it. I close my eyes and fall asleep drowning in excitement for tomorrow.

My Best Friend Troye SivanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum