I wake up to find myself on my back and Natsu sleeping on top of me. His tail once again tangled with mine. His head was in my neck. His arms were around my waist. I smile. When we shared a bed in my country, we either woke up like this or I was on top. I hear the door open, and someone walks in. It was a little dragon. Her hair was blue and in ponytails. She had blue feathery dragon wings and tail. She was red when she saw us. I shift myself a bit so she can see my head. I sigh and whisper "what is it?" "um, Igneel-san said dinner will be ready in a bit, feel free to take your time waking him up" Thank you miss-" "Wendy, Wendy Marvel" I smile. "I'm Lucy" She smiles then walks out of the room. The door closes as I groan. I rake my hands through Natsu's hair. "Natsu, breakfast will be ready soon" Natsu nuzzles my neck and tightens his grip. "wanna cuddle" "Natsu, I'm hungry. At least let me eat" Natsu kisses my neck once. "few more minutes" I sigh. "fine, but then we eat and you show me around." "deal" Then Natsu falls asleep while I play with his hair.

Five minutes later, Natsu woke up. I put the dress on from yesterday. Natsu was wearing his white long coat that has red flames climbing up. We went down to the dining room. We sit down then Igneel chuckles. "have a fun night?" I blush. "n-no! N-Natsu like to cuddle in his sleep" Igneel laughs even harder. Natsu had his head turned away from us, he was blushing and he was biting the inside of his cheek. The maids then bring out a bunch of meat and a muffin. I grab the muffin before Natsu and Igneel go crazy. I take a bite of the muffin. I almost drool. It was a chocolate strawberry muffin. Was it made just for me? I mean, it was the only muffin. One of the maids, Wendy, comes over. "Lucy-san, how is the muffin?" I look at her. "it's the best muffin I ever had!" Wendy blushes. "I-I did some research on Fairies. I found out that they don't eat meat as much as dragons do. So I made some muffins for your breakfast. I had help from my mom." I smile at her. "thank you Wendy. I just finished, can I meet your mother?" Wendy squeaks but nods. Natsu waves at me as Wendy drags me.

Wendy dragged me to the kitchen. A woman with white hair had her back turned to me. She had beautiful white feathered wings and tail. "mother" the woman turns around to show pinkish eyes. I smile as she gasps. "you're the guest staying here right?" I giggle. "yeah" She bows slightly. "my apologies, was something I made wrong?" I frown. "No! I just wanted to see how you made those delicious muffins" I shake her hand and introduce myself. She shakes my hand. "My name is Grandine, nice to meet you. A-and thank y-you." I tilt my head. "why?" She shakes her head blushing. "the only person to compliment me is Wendy, its nice to hear it from someone else." I smile. "Can you write down the recipes for somethings for me?" Grandine nods smiling. "of course" She gets out some paper and pen. She then writes down a bunch of recipes.

When she finishes ten minutes later. She puts them together in a little box and hands it to me. I grab them from her and whisper in her ear. "Would you like me to take Wendy to the country of Fairies to visit?" Grandine gasp and clasps her hands together. "of course! I would love Wendy to see the world." Wendy looks at us with confusion. I giggle behind my hand. "I have a soldier in my army that is Wendy's age, I'm sure they'll get along perfectly!" Grandine holds my hands. "is he cute?" I nod. "he is adorable! He's like a little brother to me. He also get along with Natsu perfectly!" "what's his name?" "Romeo" "cute!" I smile. I wave as I exit the kitchen. "I'll come get Wendy the day I leave, bye!" they smile and wave at me.

Natsu was currently looking through some clothes for me. Then Natsu shoves something in my face. Before I can look at it, Natsu shoves me into the fitting room. I sigh. I try on the dress. I smile as I finish putting it on. It was a knee-length, sleeve-less white dress. It had red flames climbing up from the bottom. I put on a pair of white heels. I walk out of the fitting room with my hand on my hip. "what do you think Natsu?" He looks at me. "you look good! I already have some more for you." I smile. We buy the dress and walk out of the store. I was still wearing the dress when we left. Natsu showed me around town for a while. Then he took me to the training ground for the army he leads.

When we get there, a raven-haired dragon walks up with a black-haired dragon. The raven-haired  one had dragon wings and tail made out of ice while the black haired one's wings and tail were made out of iron. They both snicker when they see me and Natsu. "looks like flame-brain brought a girl home, right Gajeel?" that was the raven-haired one. "Gihi, salamander and bunny-girl probably had some fun already Gray" Gajeel and Gray laugh but Natsu growls. "show your respects. This is Lucy Heartfilia, leader of the Fairy Tail" they both freeze as I put a hand on my hips. "is there a problem?" They both shake their heads. I sigh. "come on Lucy, I'll show you the main branch of the army" "ok" Then we walk into the base.

I've already met, Laxus, Juvia, who is a messenger with an obsession over Gray, Cobra, Rouge, Skiadrum, Sting, Weislogia, Laxus, Levia, Scissor Runner, Mother Glare,  and Zirconis. Sting, Rouge, Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel all have exceeds. For some reason, every time Juvia sees me she says "love-rival" Whatever that means. By the time Natsu finishes introducing me to everyone, it was time for dinner. We ate then I got into some of Natsu's shorts and shirt before we went to bed.

Fairy and the Dragonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن