Chapter 9

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Hello people! I AM NOT DEAD!!! If you read my last author note, you would know why I have not been updating for about a month. SO yeah here is chapter 9 of my story and I hope you like it! I'M SORRY IF IT IS CRAPPY AND SHORT! I DO NOT OWN KID ICARUS OR IT'S CHARACTERS, ONLY THE STORY IDEAS BELONG TO ME!!!!


*With (y/n), Dark Pit, and the gang*

(y/n), Dark Pit, and the gang (The gang is Pit, Viridi, Sam, and Ashley.) were just talking before the a lady walked in the auditorium and walked onto the stage. The lady was tall, but had black heels on to make her taller, she was skinny, she had light brown skin, long black hair, and dark green eyes that could just pierce through your soul. "She must be the new principle." Sam whispered in (y/n) ear. (y/n) nodded at her friend. "I guess she is." (y/n) whispered back to her friend. "Okay everyone sit down and be quiet." The woman said in a demanding manner. "I'm am the new principle here." The woman said and looked at every student sitting down.

 "My name is Miss Gorgon (random name I came up with)." Miss Gorgon said. "Today or any day for rest of the school year, I do not want to hear any problems from anyone, and if I find out that their is any problems, I will take care of it, is that understood." Miss Gorgon said as she looked at the students. The students just nodded or just said ' yes mam'. "Good, now if their is also any rule breaking from anyone, you will have to talk to me about is, okay." Miss Gorgon said to every one. Everyone just nodded, but (y/n) just knew that people were still going to break rules even if with this new principle around.

 "Now, this is my daughter." Miss Gorgon said. A girl walked near the tall woman. And that girl looked a lot like the principle.

She was shorter than her by a couple inches. She had the same black hair as her, but just little shorter. She had the same light brown skin as the principle. She even had the same green eyes, it's just her eyes didn't pierce through anyone soul.

"Her name is Mackenzie (Sorry if that is your name)." Miss Gorgon said. "She can tell me anything that happens around the school, so don't do anything stupid that could result in you getting in trouble." Miss Gorgon. "And if anyone messes with her, she will tell me and you will get punished." Miss Gorgon said to every student. Every student nodded their head signaling that they understood her.

 "All right, now all of you, off to class." Miss Gorgon said to all of the students. All of the students got up and started piling out of the auditorium. Everyone gathered all the they needed from class from their lockers. "So Dylan, what's your first class?" (y/n) asked Dark Pit. Dark Pit looked at the female for a second and then at his schedule. "Umm, I have History with Mrs. King." Dark Pit said while looking at his schedule. He then looked at the (h/c) female. "I have that class too." (y/n) said while smiling at him. He smiled at little bit at the girl. "I have that class too." Ashley said to (y/n). "I have Music with Mrs. Dorthy." Viridi said in a bored tone. "I have Physic Ed with Mr. Scales." Sam said. "I have Acting with Mr. Rico." Pit said. "I have no idea where his class is." Pit said in a confused tone.

 " You go down this hall, turn right and the third door on the right is where you are suppose to go." (y/n) said in a nice tone to Pit." Thanks (y/n)!" Pit said in a thankful tone. "Guys we better go to our classes, we only have two or three minutes left to get to class" Viridi said to them. "Well since the Music Room is on the way to the gym, I'll show you where it is Veronica." Sam said to Viridi. "Thanks Sam." Viridi said to Sam. "Come on we need to go guys." Ashley said. "Okay, see you guys later." (y/n) said. "See ya." Sam and Viridi said to (y/n) then walking off to get to class. "Later." Pit said to them then walked off to get to Acting class. "Okay let's go (y/n) and Dylan, we don't want to be late, she will get mad and you do not want to see her mad." Ashley said then started walking towards Mrs. King's class. (y/n) and Dark Pit followed Ashley to Mrs. King's class. "So, how do you like this place so far." (y/n) asked Dark Pit. Dark Pit looked at the girl.

 "I like it so far, as long no one gets on my nerves, I'll be happy." Dark Pit said to the (h/c) female. "Well this place is really great if you just take out the bullies." (y/n) said to the boy. The three of them walked in Mrs. King's class. The walls had pictures that looked like old historical events. There were a couple of pictures of some people who were in big events in the past. (y/n) a seat in the front. Ashley sat next to her right and Dark Pit sat on her left. "Okay class take your seats, the seat that you are in right now is the seat you will be staying in for the rest of the school year unless I move you to another seat, is that clear." Mrs. King said in front of the class. Everyone nodded.

 "Good, now today we will be getting text books for everyone and I want the new kids to introduce themselves." Mrs. King said to the class. "So whoever is new please stand up." Mrs. King asked. A couple of people stood up, including Dark Pit. "Now, who wants to be introduced first?" Mrs. King asked the new students. No one said anything. no one did anything until a girl raised her hand. "Okay, step right in front of the class and introduce yourself." Mrs. King said to the girl. The girl walked away from her seat and stood right in front of the class. Everyone was staring at her. She was really pretty, she had blonde hair with the ends died orange that went below her shoulders. She had amazing electrifying blue eyes. And she was pretty tall. "Why don't you tell us your name and some things you like to do." Mrs. King said to the girl. "My name is Jane and I like riding horses." Jane said.

 "Okay, thank you Jane, you may sit down." Mrs. King said to Jane. Jane nodded and walked back to her desk and sat down. And that's how it mostly went for half of the class. "Okay, there is just one last new kid that hasn't introduce themselves yet. And she was talking about Dark Pit. "Now, who else needs to introduce themselves." Mrs. King asked everyone. Dark Pit raised his hand. "Okay, walk to the front of the class and introduce yourself." Mrs. King said to Dark Pit. Dark Pit walked to the front of the class. "My name is Dylan and I like practicing my fighting skills." Dark Pit said.

 (y/n) eyes widened. She didn't knew he could fight, then again this is only the second time they have met. "Okay you may take your seat." Mrs. King said to Dark Pit. Dark Pit walked back to his seat and sat down. "I didn't know you could fight." (y/n) whispered to Dark Pit. Dark Pit chuckled. "I wasn't joking when I said I would break someone nose if they got on my nerves." Dark Pit whispered back to (y/n). (y/n) smiled at Dark Pit and Dark Pit smiled back. What they did not know that right by (y/n), Ashley was smiling like crazy and saying in her mind how it was 'love at first sight'.

What they also didn't know is that someone was staring at them and smiling wickedly.


CLIFFHANGER!!! Okay guys, that was Chapter 9 of my story, I hope it wasn't crappy or short or anything bad. I hope you guys liked it! I DO NOT OWN KID ICARUS OR ANY OF THEIR CHARACTERS, ONLY THE STORY IDEAS BELONG TO ME! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

I Never Thought I Fall For You (Dark Pit x Reader) *Re-Writing*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя