Rejecting Potter

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It was Lolita's fifth year in Hogwarts already. And they were no longer best friends.

Albus had started drifting himself away from the two, always finding an excuse to leave. Lolita and James always had weird tension, and they stopped talking in her third year.

It had been 2 years since then, and now she hung out with Scorpius and his girlfriend, Rose Weasley.

Albus had always watched her in the hallways, or give her a small smile. Never a word, though.

But James... James was a bully to her. He teased her about her height and not being as attractive as Scorpius. He did that ever since they stopped hanging out.

He even teased her so harshly one time that she cried in front of everyone. Albus had come to her rescue. That was the last time they had talked.

James continued his antics in the year, sometimes even casting weird spells on her.

Today she sat alone in the library, reading her eyes out when James Potter walked in with his friends.

Lolita was sick and tired of his bullshit.

He came over to her table, and started teasing her about being alone.

She slammed her book and her hands on the table as she stood up with a small, angry smile.

"Do me a favor and never talk to me again." Lolita smiled and walked away.

James stood, awed.

"I don't do favors, Malfoy."

"Just leave me alone, Potter! What's your problem!" Lolita hissed as James had pushed her up against the wall, his friends out of sight.

"I can't leave you alone." He whispered in her ears. Her face contorted in disgust.

"You are disgusting, James." She hissed in his ears.

"I like you, Lola. I like you a lot."

"Get off me- Wait, what?" Lolita's eyes widened.

"Just kidding." James smirked and pushed himself off her.

"Don't joke with me, Potter!" Lolita yelled before exhaling hard, and stomping out the library.

James chuckled. He missed being friends with her a lot. But she just left him. And the only way he got her attention was to tease and bully her.

"James? What're you doing in the library?" Albus walked into the library, hands in his pockets and staring weirdly at his brother.

"And why did Lolita stomp out of the library looking so flustered?" He questioned his brother.

His brother smirked.

"Oh, she just can't handle me all over her." James chuckled to himself.

Albus's hands clenched. He no longer liked her, right?

He was already dating someone. He was dating Milliana Lovegood. Daughter of Luna Lovegood's cousin. He had met her in third year, in potions class, when they were partnered together. He immediately took a liking to the smart and beautiful girl.

And she did too. James pushed him to confess in 4th year, and they started dating.

That day Lolita had stayed back at the dormitory and cried until Minerva Mcgnagall had to visit the Gryffindor dorms to check on her.

Of course Lolita didn't tell her anything, but Mcgnagall could tell.

That night in 4th year, Albus had fallen asleep in the Slytherin dorm room with a smile on his face.

And Lolita fell asleep with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Falling For Potter (Albus Severus Potter FanFic) [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora