part 2: Stephanie's arrival

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Mayor Milford had gotten a call early one summer telling him his brother and his wife had been killed in a terrible car accident and his niece Stephanie would be a new addition to the orphanage.  Of course he was happy to have his Stephanie stay with him, and despite the devastating event she was a relatively happy girl and very friendly. She was also a very active girl, unlike the other children who were bored with life at the orphanage but Stephanie's arrival soon changed that.

When stephanie arrived she was brought by her social worker, a man named Magnus Ten, who visited frequently to make sure she was settling in nicely. He was a very athletic, warmhearted, and generous man who soon grew attached to the kids in the orphanage. Because of this his visits became more frequent and he even volunteered there to spend more time with them.

He loves playing games with the kids and is an excellent gymnast often doing flips, jumps, and running around to amuse them. The one game the kids loved to play the most was a game called, “Superhero”. The game consisted of the kids getting themselves into “trouble” and Magnus would come to save them.

The kids were never in any real danger so it was a fun game to play for both child and adult. One time while playing the game Magnus decided to wear his old blue letterman jacket from college, with the word “Sportacus” and a number ten on the back. The kids asked him what it meant to which he explained, “It was a nickname given to me by my friends because I guess you could say I was a huge sports nut.” and with them the name stuck.

It became his “Superhero name”, and that's what they called him every time they played that game. He became Sportacus. The super athletic, health crazy protector of LazyTown. He thought it was fitting. So much so that he even used it as an excuse to teach the kids about staying active, leading a healthy life and making good choices.

He made a huge difference in the lives of everyone in the orphanage. Milford, Bessie, and all the kids really seemed to love him. But then there was Robbie...

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