Untitled Part 1

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                    Walking barefoot, dirt seeped in between the fingers of my feet and grasses brushed against my ankles. I can hear the waves thrashing in the distance. The wind breezes and my hair fluttered with it, nudging my hat to come loose. In reflex, I pushed it down against my head and waited for the breeze to pass.

As I look into the distance, I saw you standing by the shore. The ocean waters circling around your feet. You were staring into the horizon. Your hair fluttering in the breeze. Your white shirt dancing with the wind. Slowly, I walked towards you.

And then, suddenly, I heard a loud sound. A thumping sound. Repeating and repeating... Ba-thump. Ba-thump. Ba-thump. I felt it inside of me. Beating faster and faster as I watch, in horror, your image fading and fading, as you turn to face me. And then everything came back to me.

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