"I'm sorry, are you my secretary?"

"It was buzzing"

"Cool. Well, thanks for letting me know. I can take it from here"

"Oh please Chris we all know it's Ashley~" I say and he gives me a scrunched up nose look.

"Oh! So! I found something kind of amazing!"

"What?" Sam and I say in unison

"I'm not gonna tell you, you gotta see for yourself. Come on it's this way"

"Y/n Josh will be fine he's a big boy now"

Just waving a hand to them I looked through my phone, they both smiled at me and headed for around the cable station. Dialing Josh's cell it rang twice and then went dead, I looked at my bars and they were low, that's weird. I'll just text him,

'Hey, Sam and I got here safe and we just met up with Chris at the cable station it wont be too long until we are there. Hope you're okay? Also maybe we could snuggle up by the fire when I get there. Love you and we'll be there soon'

It went through, good. I waited a little longer and Sam and Chris came back around, Chris looking like a champion I just raised an eyebrow

"Why do you look like you defeated an army?"

"I just showed Sam what a true man looks like"

"He just shot at some bags and cans nothing special but we had to be careful cause there was a squirrel so we made sure we didn't shot it or near it just in case"

"Good cause if you shot that squirrel I knee you where my knee shouldn't be"

He touched his balls and looked mortified. Sam and I laughed and headed for the cable car, we had to wait a little cause it was still so far away. Zoning out to Josh, Sam and Chris kept talking about god knows what I loved them and all just did they ever like to talk. The cable car finally arrived and we headed for the lodge. I got in and Chris sat right next to me and Sam on the other side, Chris put his arm around me -man even though he wasn't biological he was always acting like a big brother towards me- and squeezed me tight and messed with my beanie. Not feeling up to fight just let him, he then processed to tell us about how Josh and him met and about the butterfly effect. I must say the butterfly effect truly amazed me, a beautiful butterfly can cause so much destruction by the flap of it's wings.

Finally hitting the top we try to get out but it's stuck, seeing Jessica I wave at her happy to see one of my friends. We tell Jessica we are stuck in and we need her help, she presses the button to finally let us out. Man is it me or is it getting even colder up here.

"Oh. My. God. I thought we were goners. Another ten minutes in there and I would have chewed off my own leg", of course Chris as to be the jokester, that's why I love him.

"Aw, sick. Chris."

"Look I got a lot of meat on my bones. This is all muscle down here"

"Yeah... Right, uh-huh"



"Chris not cool give it back to her" I say

"I'm just doing like Sam taught me... Other people's private things are my own personal background"

He quickly seems the letter and before he could keep snooping I take it from him and hand it to Jessica.

"Sorry about him. I missed you so much" I say hugging her, she accepts the hug and hugs back

"I missed you too!", I release her and tell everyone that I'm going to head up before them and see if anyone else is there, they all nod while I head up. Man I really need more clothing or I need some fire right now I was so close to being a popsicle. I was almost there when I hear snapping of twigs and stop in my tracks I was not going to get jumped today. I get ready for who ever was going to come at me I hear the same snap, I turned around but nothing was there. I decide I was being to paranoid I take a few more steps before a figures jump out of the bush and screams. Raising my fist I go to charge but slip on some ice and almost go face first into the ground but I felt arms grab me before that happened. I was just about to push the figure away but I looked up and it was none of then Josh. My heart tries to slow but with all the scaring that's going on today I might just have a stroke, slapping his arm lightly

"Chris now you I swear I'm going to have a heart attack" he just smiles at me and helps me up. I just go to him and hug him.

"Well I'm glad I didn't give you a heart attack I wouldn't be able to live with myself" I just giggle, we stay like that for a while not just for the embrace but I needed the heat that he had. Releasing he grabs my hand and frowns

"You're freezing! Here take these" he pulls out fuzzy gloves out of his pockets and slips them on my hands. Placing a kiss on his lips as a thank you it ends up being a little bit more passionate than intended.

"Hey get a room you two" Chris says behind us. Smiling we pull away and look at Chris and Sam, he brings his attention back to me and takes my now gloved hand and we all make our way to the lodge. Though when we were walking I saw something in the corner of my eye, something that moved extremely fast, or so I thought. I think I just need a nap or something cause I swear it looked like a... like a.. I honestly don't know.

Josh Washington x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя