As he turned to leave, I felt a compulsive need to draw him back to me, so I reached out my arms and held him close, his hair brushing against my face as he turned to look at me.

I couldn’t help it, with him looking so cute, I could think of only one thing to do, so I kissed him.

His body froze for a fraction of a second, before he gently leaned into the kiss, prompting me to carry on. I kissed him harder, until I heard a little moan escape from him. The taste of his lips on mine made everything around us go hazy, and I barely noticed when Titch started pawing at my leg. We broke away, both of us flushed, both of us wanting to carry on. All of a sudden, Cade’s mobile rang and he scurried to answer it.

“Yes... Okay... Uh huh... I’ll get straight home...” He mumbled to the person at the other end of the phone.

I didn’t want him to leave, but with the fact I just got the kiss of my dreams, I think I could let it slide.

“Do you want me to walk you home?”

“Uhm yeah... why not,” he replied.

There was something extremely wrong, he was normally so much happier, more relaxed, not like this. I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind, as he didn’t need me doubting him at this moment in time, I mean... the fact he’s worried may be because I just kissed him. But, he kissed me back, that meant he liked it, right?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my older brother walking past singing a sad song.

“On my own, pretending he’s beside me, all alone I walk with him till morning, without him, I feel his arms around me, when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me...”

He got dumped. Again.

I broke into his singing by singing my own melody,

“I wish my, brother would lend me his bike, so I can, take my friend to his home, I hope, he hears my plea and replies, or I will tell our dad about you know what...” copying his tune exactly. He gave me a look that would have frozen hell and answered,

“Keys are in my room, so is a spare helmet. Now shut up about that, or I will take your smirk and shove it up your...”

I knew the rest of his threat so I ran, grabbed his keys (and licence) and pulled Cade with me down the hall. As we got on the bike I placed the second helmet on Cade’s head gently, before pulling on my own. Once we set off I felt his arms slip around my waist and his head lean on my back. I exhaled as I relished in the warmth radiating off him while we zoomed down the freeway.

All too soon we arrived out side Cade’s house and he got off the bike, handing me the helmet and mumbling a quiet thanks.

“Bye, see you soon?” I had meant it as a statement but it came out as a question.

“Yeah... Wednesday alright for you?”

NO! I want to stay with you now...

“Yup that’s fine...” was my response.

As he turned to leave I grabbed his hand, spun him round, and kissed him gently on the cheek.

“See you on Wednesday...” I whispered with a gentle smile.

A loud voice broke into the moment as someone yelled from the door,

“Cade, that stalker girl is looking for you and technically you are in the bathroom crying your eyes out because you got dumped so get your ass in here because you know I hate lying!”

I smiled as he blushed and said my goodbyes to him.

With that I drove away with the spare helmet not on my arm... tomorrow Cade is going to be getting a visit... I can hardly wait.

I stood outside the house that held my beloved Cade and stared up wondering which room was his, devising a wild plan to speak sonnets to him in the night, my god I need a life. I walked up to the door, feeling excited to know that I could see Cade again.

I knocked on the door three times clearly so they could hear; it paid off, as I heard the patter of shoes on wood approaching.

 “Hello, sorry we don’t do raffle tickets, charity, and if you are here about Timbuktu please buddy don’t bother...”

“Hey, sorry you don’t know me but I’m a friend of Cade’s I forgot my helmet last night so I came round to pick it up-“

The door flew open and I was greeted by the weirdest sight in the world. A teenage boy a few years older than me stood in the doorway but his appearance was the major thing that struck me as odd. He wore a pair of black jeans faded to grey with paint splatters and non removable stains, a band tee from before I was born and I’m definitely sure it was from before he was born as well, over this was a white lab coat rolled up at the arms and the collar turned up, goggles adorned his head to keep his hair out of his eyes, his hair was a black shock that looked like it had been on the receiving end of a few electric currents.

“Why didn’t you say you were Cadee baby’s friend? Toby is called Toby, and Toby will go get him for you just wait here!”

As he left me standing in the hallway a cold voice came from a different room.

“Whoever you are close the door; there are people out there that would thank the heavens for our door to be opened,”

I stepped further in and shut the door behind me, feeling awkward that I didn’t know who was talking to me.

At that moment a regal looking figure glided through the door, and regarded me with a look of cool contempt. He was dressed from head to toe in purple; it was only the shades that varied. His shoes were an eastern style with gold braiding along the top, his trousers were full length and baggy enough as to not constrict movement, his top tight and form fitting with the collar up on his neck. His hair was long, reaching halfway down his back, black with highlights if purple, his eyes, deep pools of violet.

“Someone who is so obvious should count their lucky stars my youngest brother is dense, either that or he returns your feelings, either way you are lucky. I’m Marius by the way, pleased to make your acquaintance”

Cade tripped down the last few stairs and into my arms because of the rush he was in. A plan quickly formulated in my mind and I glanced at the man in front of me, who discreetly nodded to show he approved. My arm snaked round Cade’s waist as he tried to right himself. He blushed so hard it looked like he wanted to crawl away and hide.

“Cade, I think introductions are in order, luckily your ‘friend’ caught us while we are all in.”

He pulled a speaker out of what seemed thin air and said, “Convene in the dining room we have a guest.”

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