Cabin bitches

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Sam and Lucy waited for Chris to get the door open.
" Chris! It's freezing! Hurry! " Emily shouted and she held herself.
Lucy rolled her eyes.
" Imma go find Josh, okay? " she asked Sam as she pulled a black leather best over her t-shirt.
" Yeah okay " Sam said as she waited. Lucy giggled a bit and went looking for Josh.
" Josh!? J-josh?!?! " she shouted, stuttering at the cold.
Suddenly she felt someone tackle her to the ground. She managed to get on top and held the person down.
" Woah Woah, come on Lu. It's not cool I was off guard " Josh laughed and he looked up a Lucy.
She giggled and rolled over, laying in the snow beside Josh.
", are you okay Joshy? " she asked.
He looked at her, a little sad but then he smiled, climbing on top of her.
" I'm....fine Lu " he chuckled.
Suddenly there was a scream. Josh jumped up and picked Lucy up.
" What the fuck? " Lucy said, running over to the door. Emily looked scared as hell, Sam was laughing, Ashley was shocked and Chris was terrified.
" What happened? " Josh asked, Lucy was so distracted that she didn't even notice Josh put his arm around her waist.
" Some thing was in the cabin "Chris shouted.
" Its fine " Sam said.
" Okay, well... Hey cabin bitches lets go!" Lucy said, running into the cabin, everyone fallowing behind.

Josh x O.c (until dawn)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat