Chapter 1

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Shadow's P.o.v.
Raf and I were racing cars under a freeway. Suddenly Raf's phone rang. He had a conversation with his mom while I was looking down remembering good things about my mom. I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks. I was startled out of my trance when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Raf smiling.

He said " I have 5 more minutes let's finish this race."

" Okay. Let's play." We kept playing until I heard a motorcycle engine. I saw a blue with pink high lights fly over our heads. A boy with short black hair got off of the bike. The bike transformered and I instantly knew that she was a cybertronian.

"This ends here 'con." She said. She started attacking them and between each punch she said"this" "is" "for" "Cliff". Suddenly a black and yellow muscle car flew over head when the girl fell back to the ground. He started fighting them until he was pinned down.

"Leave him alone." Raf said and they turned to him"please" he whispered as he hid behind me.

"Bad call raf." Jack said

"Go to the drain pipe over there and walk to the other side. Also don't look back." I said. They nodded and ran off "Hey morons" the purple ones turned and looked "Over here." I ran in the opposite direction. I stopped when I was a good few hundred feet away.

"You know Earth is protected by more dangerous creatures than the Autobots." They looked down at me confused "Me" I said with a sassy but serious tone. "Also look behind you." Just as they turn the girl cybertronian punched him in the face. A bulky green car pulled up and finished the other purple bot. After they were finished they walked over and looked down at me.

I shifted my stance a bit under their looks and asked " So, What are your names?"

The green one replied "I'm Bulkhead"

The girl replied "I'm Arcee"

The yellow one replied "I'm Bumblebee" in clicks and beeps.

" I'm Shadow." I replied " And it was very nice to meet you guys-" suddenly my phone beeped. I sighed."- But I have to dash. Got a problem on the other side of the universe."

" The other side of the universe?" Bulkhead said with confusion.

"Yep. Well this is were we split." I said. Then I used my vortex manipulator to teleport to my T.A.R.D.I.S. I walked around the consul flipping swithes and turning nobs and I was off to see Jack and probably save his arse.

Third Person On Earth With The AutoBots

All the kids with a young punk slash girly girl named Miko.

"Good that there are only three," Rachet, the autobot medic, huffed out.

" Yes but the wrong one," Acree replied.

" What do you mean the wrong one," Rachet asked annoyed.

"Well there was another girl but her name is Shadow and she has short black hair and is taller than her," Arcee said pointing at Miko.

"Hey," Miko shouted in protest

" Then where is she?" said a smooth and deep voice.

They all turned to see a red and blue and silver mech, Optimus Prime, in the hallway.

Before Arcee could say why they couldn't find her Raf spoke up and said" She said she had to go solve a problem on the other side of the universe,"

Both Jack, the boy on the motorcycle from before, and Miko looked at Raf in shock. Then Optimus turned to Arcee and said "Is that true?" All Arcee did was nod.

"So where is she now?" Bulkhead asked

"Hold on I'll call her." Raf said

Raf put the phone on speaker phone. As it was ringing Optimus asked " How are you calling her the base is covered?"

Raf replied "She soniced my phone so I could call from everywhere and anywhere." 

"Oh" was all Optimus replied.

Suddenly they heard a voice on the other side of the line " Yes Raf? I'm kinda busy at the moment." Then an explosion and a high pitched voice sceamed "EXTERMINATE! THE TIME-LORD!!!!!!" " Shit" they heard her mumble through the phone. " Hey can I call you back after this." 

"Sure " Raf replied.

"Ok Go to go" she said as an explosion went off. 



" Well that escilated quicky" Miko said. 

"I have to agree with you miko. " Optimus said.

After a few minutes they heard a wheezing noise behind Optimus. They all looked behind  Optimus as Optimus turned around. They saw a blue box that had the words 'Police Public Call Box' on the top. Raf smiled as everyone else looked confused.

"She is here" Raf said semi-ominously.


Muhahaha I'm evil *cough* I mean um an angel. Just Kidding! 

Any way this is the end of the first chapter i wanted to publish it for a while 

I will be working on the next chapter when i can

Thanks for understanding 

Peace out my companions. 

Shadow (Transformers Prime Fanfic) UP FOR ADOPTIONजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें