Moving in/birth

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Quinn POV
I'm 9 months pregnant and I can pop any day but me and Finn are moving into an apartment in New York
F-I love the apartment and it has a room for Alexis too
Q- yeah
F- I love u
Q- I love u t..
F- what's wrong
Q- my water just broke
F- what really?!?
Q- yes ugh it hurts
F- ok let's go to the car!!!
Q-ugh hurry
F- I'm going as fast as I can there is a speed limit
Q- ugh!!!
F- it's ok baby I'm going as fast as I can
Q- go fuckin faster
F- I am!!!
Q- ugh!!!!!!
F- we are here
F- my fiancé is in labor!!
N- your gonna have to sign so paper
Q- ugh!!!!!!!
N- ok never mind lets go
Q- hurry ugh!!!
N- ok start pushing on three 1 2 3
Q- u suck u suck u suck
           5 minutes later
F- u did u babe
Q- she is adorable
F- just like u
Q- aww thank u
                Nock nock
Q- who is it?
Mr.s- it's mr.shue
Q- oh my god come in!!
Mr.s- hi
Q- hi!
Mr.s what's her name?!
F- Alexis
Mr.s aww that's so cute

P- oh my god I just heard Quinn has her baby
R- really
P- yeah
R- wow cool
P- u really don't want to go see them do u
R- no

Are we endgameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ