1. A Day Before Horror

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"I GOT A FISH!" screamed Angie with her casual high-pitched voice.

"Haha, about time" laughed Wes while walking over to the highly excited Angie.

I laughed along but decided not to look over my shoulder at them. I was extremely concentrated on trying to find a Paddlefish and not miss a movement that I could possibly see in the water. I've caught a Paddlefish before, but that was mostly my dad, I just helped reel it in. They are one of the only original animals we have here in District 4. Most of the other animals have been combined with other animals to form mutts, which are scarily dangerous.

"We have 10 minutes left before we have to leave" Wes said out of nowhere.

I quickly got up, barely noticing that the sun was about to set. I got my wooden fishing rod and a medium sized basket my mother had made for me to put the fish I caught in there, but sadly it was empty today. At least Wes and Angie caught some fish for dinner tonight. Its not much but will do.

As we all walked home barefooted Wes and Angie were having a playful argument on who had caught the biggest salmon fish that day. I didn't even bother to hear them playfully argue, I had just remembered what tomorrow was. The reaping will be tomorrow and that was all I had in my mind since we left the seashore. Not even the pain of the sharp rocks digging into my bare feet would take the reaping off my mind.

We finally arrived home after like 13 minutes of pure pain and horrible thoughts (well at least that's what I had been going through the whole way here). We entered the house and there was my mother and father. My mother had that black hair with sorrow brown eyes. She was around 5' 7"! My father had curly brown hair and brown eyes that where full of love and peace. He was around 6' 1"!

We sat down and gave my mother all the fish we had caught in the past 5 hours. She wasn't satisfied nor mad, so that means we brought home a good amount. I went to my room to leave my fishing rod in the corner near my nearly broken small bed. I sat down gently and then laid down, slowly closing my eyes then falling asleep.

I woke up about an hour later, just in time for the fish salmon! My whole family sat down around our cheap table that we always eat at. I sat down where I always sit, at the edge near the door.

"How was fishing today?" my mother asked.

"It was AWESOME! I caught my first fish!" shrieked Angie with pride in her voice.

"Woo! My little girl finally caught her first fish today! I am so proud to be your father Angie" My father said with such sarcasm and joy that I don't know if he meant it or not, but as usual Angie just laughed along and told us what awesome adventures she had today.

Angie always had adventures and made everything that seemed like hell into something unique and fun! She has fun little stories to tell us all the the time, and that also goes for Wes, but me on the other hand am different. I am always lonely, and really hate trying to be funny or sound childish. That is why I never tell any adventures I ever had. Even if I was forced to tell a fun and amazing adventure I've ever had, I would honestly have nothing to tell, except for the fact that I sleep, hunt, and eat daily. I never had an adventure, but I wonder what it would be like to have one someday.

After we heard plenty of Wess' and Angie's stories and had all finished our food, I did the only thing I had in my mind at that time, to sleep and let the stress out. I went to bed and I gently sat and laid on my bed. As soon as I got comfortable, I blacked out into a deep dream. A dream of having an adventure someday.

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