Chapter 1: I like coffee, a lot.

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I roll over on to my side, pulling the covers up to my chin as I try to fall back into a deep sleep. I'm starting to now realise how impossible it is while you're having a major headache from the late night drinking the night before.

My eyes flutter open just a little bit to see a dark room, my room and there's never any light down here. That's the way I like it. Dark and gloomy, just like me! Only if my room was sarcastic and then we would be a perfect match.

After tossing and turning for the last 15 minutes I surrender and decide to get up out of my luscious bed. I swing my legs out from under the covers until they're hanging over the side of the bed, my toes graze the floor gently, sending a shiver down my spine with a cold bite from the cool wooden floor. I take my time to part from the cosy warmth of my bed and finally stand up, my feet quietly padding across my room. I run my hand through my slightly messy hair as a soft yawn escapes my lips, I reach the stairs and start to climb slowly as my knees are still half asleep. I grab hold of the freezing cold steel bannister, a swift blow of cool air hits me and I instantly wrap my arms around my body, almost like I'm giving myself a hug to heat me up.

I open the closed door at the top of the stairs which leads me into the small hall next to the living room, I wander through the living room to get to the kitchen as I hear the coffee machine calling my name. Nothing beats a steaming hot cup of delicious coffee in the morning. I quickly switch on the device that will instantly make my morning less unbearable. As I wait for my hot beverage I pull out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter from one of the kitchen drawers, I insert a slim stick between my teeth and fumble with my lighter to try and combust some sort of a light. Finally with a flick of my thumb a bright orange flame comes into sight, I gently manoeuvre the fragile fire to the end of my cigarette.

My coffee is now boiling away in one of my favourite mugs, I carefully pick up the intensely warm cup and choose to sit outside on the backdoor step. It's quite chilly outside, especially because I am now currently only in a pair of boxers and a flimsy white tee, but it's also probably because it's nearing the end of September. Here in New Jersey we have bitter winters but it's also quite beautiful, when we get closer to the month of December everything will start to layer up with white crystal blankets of snow.

I take a sip of my coffee in a pathetic act in order to try and warm up, my cigarette hanging loosely in my opposite hand, every now and then taking a small puff. Looking around my untidy and very simple looking  lawn, in one corner there is placed a very old decaying shed that I've never stepped foot into and a very basic, slightly overgrown patch of grass. There is also a little concrete path leading up to the wooden shed, the grass looks damp and the path has small puddles. Must've been raining during the night.

I finish of the last of my coffee and throw away the bud of my cigarette next to all the others I have flicked away since I've been living here.

I moved here only about 3 months ago, I've lived all over the country. I've even moved to Europe a couple of times. But I was starting to feel lonely and a little home sick and so I decided to move back to my home town, New Jersey was where I was brought up as a kid. Me, my little brother Mikey, my dad and mom, we all lived in a little house
in Belleville. It was a nice enough area, me and Mikey would go out and play with all the kids in our neighbourhood. I miss being young, you would never have a care in the world. Hell, the worst thing that could've happened was if it started to rain on a sunny day and then mom would tell us to get inside before we caught a cold. But now, now I'm just cold-hearted, dead and alone. I have been for centuries now. I've been trying to look for someone to be with, or even to just talk to and actually want to be around me. It's a ridiculous thought, I know. Who would want to wast their time and hang around with a monster like me? I scoff under my breath as I realise how ridiculous I'm being.

I slowly stand up from my position sitting on the concrete step and enter the newly found home that I decorated myself by the way. I place my mug in the sink and head back down to my room, I haven't left the house in a few days and notice that today seems like a perfect day to go out. The weather indicating as slightly wet and cloudy. I swing open my wardrobe door and pick out a pair of skinny black jeans, an old crimson red iron maiden shirt that I've had for who knows how long, a black denim jacket and my all black vans. This is what I mostly wear day in, day out. I do have tons more other clothes but these items of clothing are just too hard to part with.

I quickly scurry into the bathroom and flick on the switch, turning on the tap and throwing icy cold water onto my face, I flinch slightly at how alarmingly cold the water feels against my face and snatch the closest towel I can reach  and pat my face dry. Feeling a little more cleansed and fresh, I switch off the bathroom light and grab my wallet and phone from my bedside table and shove them into my jeans pocket. Going up the stairs two at a time and making my way to the front door.

When I'm outside the weather still looks like its cloudy and darkened self, not many people are out at this exact moment. I see someone down the road walking their dog and another person going out to collect their mail. I start my journey by walking down my stony path and heading to my right, leading the way through the street in which my house is centred in. I live in an ordinary neighbourhood with ordinary houses and I presume with ordinary people. I haven't really spoken to any of the neighbours since I moved into that house, although the old couple next door very nicely came over and greeted me to the neighbourhood and introduced themselves to me which was like 10 minutes of full on talking to people. Bonus! They were probably one of the first people that have actually spoken to me under their own will in a long while, and I miss it. I miss the human contact I had with people, it was nice to think that you had people who were interested in you and wanted to learn more about you. I really do miss it.

I see the distant high street with the gathering of people getting closer as I continue to walk my steady pace down the road, I suddenly wonder what time it is and reach deep down into my pocket and bring out my phone. The screen lights up revealing that it is exactly 14:36, I must've had a long lie yet again as I do every morning.

I have finally arrived at my destination, the finest coffee shop in all of New Jersey and I'm not kidding when I say that.

I open the door of the fine establishment and take in the sweet air of home baking and warm coffee. I make my way to the till and order myself a black coffee.

Once I have my rich black coffee I shuffle into a nearby booth, taking a small sip before hissing quietly at the feeling of the burning hot liquid dipping onto my tongue.

To pass the time of letting the coffee cool down I take a look around, noticing all the fine details and the old picture littered all around the walls.

I can remember when this was being built, I think I was around about 13 when it was finally up and running. My father knew the original owner very well, they were good friends and we would come in here often.

My mother and father were both coffee drinkers and it's obviously had an effect on me also, this place has definitely been decorated since the part time I've been here, but it's nice to see that whoever owns this place now is willing to put up the heartwarming pictures of all the people all those years ago having a good time.

I've really missed being here in Belleville, this is my real home.

HiYa sorry this chapter is quite small
but there might be something in
the next one that I think you might all like!!!!

but I'll try and write some more tonight for the next chapter

and I'll try and finish it tonight :))))

but I gtg so bye for now



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