Cheaters Always Win

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Piper is right, Camp Half-blood is better with Lord Dionysus than Lord Apollo. So I offer this Diet Coke, this blue Diet Coke from Percy's hidden food stash to Lord Dionysus. Please come back to CHB and fix everything up. "Thalia Grace." I shivered. Does he have to do that? Prolong my 's'?! "Lord Apollo."

"I heard that you want to have a word with me?" He asks. "Yes," I answered and turn around to face him. "I'm not trying to be rude but please stop flirting with the huntresses," I told him. He smiled his loop sided smile. "I heard so much about you from Artemis." He said and took a pizza from my plate. "I-"

"Shh, Go out with me."

The whole place grew quiet, Percy's pizza fell from his mouth, Annabeth's is staring widely, Chiron looks horrified, and the huntresses all stood from Lady Artemis' table. The tray slipped from my grasp and fell on the floor, scattering some pasta, and OJ. "Wha..." I glance at the Apollo table and they all look like they are about to cry rivers. "Are you freaking out of your freaking goddamned mind?!" I yelled. I'm yelling at a God and I don't care. He just embarrassed and insulted me in front of the huntresses. "Outside, Go outside with me." He raised his hand to show defeat. I let out a huge breath, Woah. "I'm sorry Lord Apollo, I-"

He laughed. "Oh wow, that was... intense." He said and run his hand through his hair. He motioned for me to follow him, I guess everyone wants to find out what's running in his head, even Chiron is galloping outside. We reach the shoot out, where we practice archery. Lord Apollo stood there with two identical bows. Three targets are ready. I look back to see everyone's faces. They are all thinking what I'm thinking. Lord Apollo hands me the bow with a smug smile. "If you beat me I will promise to the River Of Styx that I will stop flirting with you and your huntresses but if I beat you... we'll see." He said and smile, which sent shivers everywhere in my body.

"Shall I go first?" He asks and I nod. I know he's going to ace this, he's been shotting arrows since he was a baby! Well not really he was- never mind! You get the point! He looks at me and bit his lip while he took three arrows and shoot them at the same time without breaking gaze with me. The two arrows were at the center but the other one is in the line. I drop on one knee and held on to the bow. "Oh, Lady Artemis please bless me on this... competition to achieve pure glory." I stood up, Lord Apollo is grinning at me. "Now I know why my sister likes you so much." He said. I exhaled and pulled one arrow. I pulled the string and kept a clear view of the target. I got this. I released my first shot. The arrow pinned in the center-right beside Lord Apollo's arrow. I suddenly felt strong, unbeatable, and-

"She's glowing." I heard one said and everyone gasped. What the what? "She's got the blessing of Artemis," Chiron said. I'm glowing reddish-brown light. "That's just unfair sis!" Lord Apollo yelled while looking up. I took another arrow, placed it, pulled the string, looks at the target, I felt alive. I released and the arrow ripped through Lord Apollo's arrow slicing it in two with my arrow in the middle. Some whistled and some cheered. Wow, that was amazing. Last one.

I got another arrow, after this. Lord Apollo will be running to Mount Olympus of embarrassment, I will make Lady Artemis proud. I pulled the string. I will make everyone proud. The string brush off of my fingers and- "Aah!" A bright light sparked in my eyes. I walk back and my foot got stuck on a tree root, I fell on my back. I close my eyes and waited for my eyes to adjust. "Thalia!" Lilia helps me up. My arrow never reached the target, it is standing proudly on the dirt a few inches away from the target. Anger bubbled inside of me. I look at Lord Apollo who is smiling like he just won a grammy. "You cheater!" I pointed at him. He shrugs and smiles. "What can I say, cheaters always win." He said.

"That is a dumb quote or motto! It's dumb!" I yelled. "Oh yeah? Tell Hermes that." I said and pointed his thumb to the Hermes' kids. They all snickered. Right, Hermes and Apollo are buddy buddies. "No! Whatever it is that you want. I will not do it!" I yelled. His brown eyes turned dark, I step back. It's getting hotter, beads of sweat are forming on my forehead. "Lord Apollo," Chiron said in a warning tone. I see everyone getting affected by the heat, the little flower by the rock is wilting. "This is on you Thalia Grace," Apollo said.

Annabeth fell to the ground and Percy tried helping her. "Stop this!" Percy yelled. The others are getting weak from too much heat. My throat is dry, my tongue feels like sandpaper, and my legs don't know how long I can keep standing. I look at Annabeth, and Percy is lying beside her. "Okay, I'll do it." I croaked. I fell on the ground, oxygen is getting thinner. "Swear on the River Of Styx... or better yet. Swear it on my sister." Apollo said with a tiny hint of admiration. "Lord Apollo, please." Chiron pleaded.

"I swear, I swear!"

Apollo smiles. "Good girl." Like a blanket, the heat untucks itself, and also everything. Annabeth is alright, Percy is alright, everyone is alright! Even the flower didn't show signs of wilting. It was all a fake! "You used the mist on me?!" I ask. Everybody is watching me with confusion, they have no clue what just happened seconds ago! "Is that a serious question... I look far cooler than Hecate. That was called a Mirage, unfortunately, my children never knew how to use it." He said. That is it! He had played me too much! I am done being humiliated in front of everyone! "Uh-oh." I heard someone say. "Thalia don't!" Annabeth screamed. Power radiated in me, powers that rarely use crawled to my fingers, I raised my hand and got the power my father had bestowed on me. Lighting struck down to my arm and I blasted it straight to Apollo. It was a direct hit and Apollo coughed dirt, nobody tried stopping me. Chiron was helping a few kids who fell. Apollo is sitting on the dirt, coughing. "I am not yet done with you!" I said and gathered the electricity I just struck and readied for another blow. Apollo is coughing but he doesn't look hurt, I will show you what Tartarus looks like you dweeb! Apollo's eyes watch me, trying to figure out if I'm really going to do it. I was fully charged and ready to strike--

A hand caught my wrist and stopped the full power I was about to release. "I would like to see you obliterate my foolish brother but I can't let you kill a God." My eyes widened. I can't believe it. "Lady Artemis." I lowered my hand. She searches for my face. "Are you alright?" She asks. I nod my head. She faces Apollo, who is now standing, and grinning like a maniac. "What's your bargain?" Lady Artemis asks Apollo.

"Grace." He pointed at me. "Is going out with me." He said and wipe a bead of ichor below his lip without losing his grin. Lady Artemis sighed and shake her head, murmuring words I can't understand. "I can't believe this." She said. Oh no, Lady Artemis grips her bow, it cracked. She turns around and faces me. Hurt and anger mixed her expression. "I can't really do anything about this but I will make sure that my brother will not harm you in any way." She said it like she's sorry. "What?!" My voice raised. Lady Artemis sighed. "I am truly sorry." I can't believe it, Lady Artemis is asking me to go out... with a MAN! A real live, breathing, man. No, a God! Her brother! I can't do this, I am not fitted for this, my loyalty lies with the huntress, and its strictly no men allowed.

"So Sunday?" Apollo ask.

Thank you for reading my book! I bow down to you! :-) 

Thalia Grace (Thalia/Apollo) DISCONTINUEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن