"Hi Rihmeek." She replied shyly. "How are you? Is everything okay?" She questioned. She could tell by the tone of his voice he was in good spirits, but that didn't stop her from checking.

"I'm good baby, just missin' you that's all. I got your letter."

"I miss you more. When is this going to be over?" Nicki sulked in her seat and whined sounding like a little kid.

"I wish I had an answer for you Nic, but I don't right now. I have court next week so that's when I'll find out everything. But I don't want you worrying about that, you need to be focused on school. How your grades looking?" He questioned sternly sounding like a concerned parent.

Nicki sighed. "I think I did pretty good this semester, but I'll let you know when I get my grades back. I've been trying to keep up with work, school, the house, and worrying about you. I'm a little overwhelmed to be honest."

"Nic, I know you want to be independent and all that good shit but when I come home you quitting that job. Your only focus needs to be school, I don't want you worrying about anything else including me. I got you and I'm not taking no for an answer this time." Meek said firmly.

"But Rihmeek"

"Nah, no buts. I'm not debating this with you Nic. This time I'm winning." Meek stated sternly meaning every word.

Meek knew Nicki was extremely book smart and had dreams of teaching theatrical arts to kids. He remembered countless times they would lay awake at night and she would tell him all of her aspirations and how she wanted to own a performing arts center one day. Meek saw a lot of potential in her and would do whatever necessary to make sure she reached her goals. He believed in her that much.

"Fine Rihmeek. I'll let you win this one time, but don't get used to it. You know I'm running this show."

Meek chuckled, knowing she was right but decided to challenge her anyway. "Yeah, aight. We'll see who running when I get home."

Nicki bit her lip and titled her head to the side. "And what does that mean, because I don't run from anything."

"You know what's up Nic, don't play with me."

"Hmm, I think I forgot. I guess you're going to have to show me." Nicki smirked.

"Say less. I'm going to have you yelling Rihmeeeeek I can't, like I always do." He said doing his best impression of her.

"Shut up, I do not sound like that." Nicki giggled.

"You sound exactly like that. But on a serious note, I need you to do me a favor."


"Come see me tomorrow."

Nicki's lip curled into a smile yet again and she answered quickly. "Of course I'll come."

"You have one minute remaining." The operator interrupted letting them know their call would be ending shortly.

"Nooooo, I don't want you to go." Nicki pouted not wanting their conversation to end being that this is the first time she spoke to him in over a week.

"Chill baby. I'll see you tomorrow right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for nothing. I love you Rihmeek." Nicki confessed.

"I love you too, wife." Meek responded before their call was disconnected.  Nicki's smile beamed brightly as she pulled the phone away from her ear and placed it on the table next to her. She was on cloud nine from their short conversation, completely forgetting she was sitting at the table with her friends.

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