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"Your the one who kept on rushing me!" Jax exclaimed at Andi.

"That's because you were taking forever!" She argued back, pointing at the two alligators in the pool.

Emma walked out from behind a bush. "That's enough!" she yelled out. She cast a spell that made the alligators disappear.

"Emma," Jax said surprised. "You're here," he said saying it more like a question. "Since when?"

"I was here the whole time. Who do you think put the first alligator there in the first place?" Jax and Andi looked confused. "It was a test to see if you guys actually are 'buddies' now. I knew you guys still hated each other," she said, leaving without another word.

Andi sat down on the bench they were standing next to and thought about what happened yesterday.

~ Flashback ~

"I just don't understand what you guys are arguing about," Emma said.

"It's nothing, everything's fine," Jax said taking Emma's hand.

She took her hand away. "You guys were just fighting over an apple," she sighed. "I really wished you guys got along. I hate seeing my best friend and boyfriend always arguing with each other," she said sitting down at the lunch table. Jax joined her.

"Sorry Em. You're right," Andi said sitting down. "Jax," she started. He looked at her, smirking. 'Hah, yeah right, no way I'm apologizing,' she thought to herself. "Do you have anything to say to me?"

"Unbelievable," Jax exclaimed. They both started to complaining on how the other one should apologize first until Emma yelled at them to stop.

"Are you guys serious?" She asked them. She got up and left.

Once she left, Jax started talking, "You seriously couldn't have said sorry to me?"

"I saw that smirk. I knew you were expecting an apology, and I'm not sorry anyways. That apple was mine, I saw it fir-"

"Andi! That's not why she wanted us to apologize," he said to her. She felt bad now. "Look, I know you, Andi. You don't like to see Emma unhappy so can we at least act like we don't hate each other?"

She sighed, "Fine." Emma came back after a moment.

"I forgot my bag," she said. She was about to leave again, but Jax stopped her.

"Look Em, we're sorry. Andi and I talked it out and we're good now," Jax explained.

"Really? Are you sure?" Emma asked.

"Of course!" Jax and Andi both said together. "You see?" Jax said, putting his arm around Andi.

Emma looked at them suspiciously. "Uh huh," she said. "Well I guess this calls for a hug!" Emma said, pulling the two into a group hug.

She pulled away and saw Andi and Jax making faces at each other. When they realized this, Jax put his arm around Andi again and they both put on a fake smile. Emma made an awkward smile at them and left shaking her head.

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