The Avox Girl From District One

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I didn't exactly lead a life of luxury, but I was perfectly happy. I was better off than most people were in District 13. I had food, water, shelter, and a family. I lived in a small, 3 room cottage with my mother, sister, and brother. I had friends, too. Their names were Leah and Chase, and together we would hunt in the woods for food. Even though we were in the middle of a war with the Capitol, I found peace and happiness in my world. Then, on my birthday, everything changed. My perfect and peaceful world was thrown into chaos. The Capitol had attacked us. Everything I new and loved had vanished from the world, as if it were nothing. My family, friends, house, and district were gone. When I saw soldiers marching off with prisoners of war, I knew I had to run, so I bolted for the woods. That was the only place I could think of where I could hide and survive in safety. Luckily, no one saw me running. I would've been enslaved -or worse- if I had been caught. I know I should probably come up with a survival strategy for the next few years, or the rest of my life, but I can't stop running, for fear of being captured by soldiers. I don't stop running until I see District 12. Then I know I'm in trouble, because I see two people, a girl and a boy, hunting. Suddenly, they run to hide. A few seconds later, I see why.

Before I can even realize what's happening, a hovercraft comes and scoops me up from where I was standing. Then, and only then, did I realize that I was being stripped of the little freedom I had. Some people from the Capitol began to turn me into an Avox. I was no longer a person. I was a mute servant who was to be treated worse than an animal. An animal could at least make noise. I was taken to a small prison cell and given an Avox outfit. They told me to change into the outfit, or the next day, they would remove more than my tongue. So a changed, and the next day, my tongue was cut off. I was chained to an operating table when a woman with an evil look in in her eyes took at pair of scissors and snipped of my tongue. And she purposely did it in slow, painful cuts. The pain was excruciating, and if I still had my tongue, all I would taste would be blood. I fainted from pain and woke up in my prison cell. The next day I would be waiting on these dumb people, unable to speak, or do anything that would help me regain freedom. But somehow, before I die, I will have rights again. I will have freedom.

With that thought, I went to sleep. I dreamed about what was yet to come within the next day, and years. When I woke up, a soldier came and bound me with some rope. He took me to a center, where I had a fence put on me. The fence could not be removed, and could hold anything within any bound. Then I was taken to a breakfast. I didn't eat there. I got a piece of bacon, and that was it for the day. I was serving the breakfast, and taking care of everyone's wishes and needs. It was terrible watching them all eat endless amounts of food, while I got one piece of bacon to last me through the whole day. But I had to stay strong. There was nothing I could do but bear through it. Breakfast lasted an hour, and after that I was taken back to my cell. I could tell I was going to have a rough life from here on out, but I would have to do it. I caught a rumor somewhere that after ten years of being an Avox, they give you back your freedom and you can live in District 12! And I saw it happen today in the morning! They give you your tongue back and everything! I will make it through these next few years. I'll do what ever it takes to get my freedom back. I will not be an Avox for the rest of my life!

The next day wasn't as bad as the first. I served breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and still only got one piece of bacon (and some water) , but nothing is as bad the second time around. Only nine years and 363 days left before I can run free again!

The next day, they announced that the Hunger Games would become an annual tradition where 24 people are put into an arena and have to kill each other until only one remains. Each district will give a girl and a boy, between the ages of 12 and 18, to participate in the Games. They will be known as tributes. These "tributes" will be selected at a public reaping and put through a series of interviews and shows, before they enter the arena and try to kill each other. But here comes my chance at freedom. If I volunteer as tribute and win the Hunger Games, I get my freedom back, and better than before! I'll be rich!

But I could never win.  Hunting animals is one thing, but trying to win a battle to death between 24 people?  I could never win.  But it was worth a try.  I would rather die fighting for my freedom than live as a mute slave.  And tomorrow they announce the tributes.  I'll have to prepare.  I don't sleep at all the night before the reaping.  I stay up training.

The next day we get our tongues back so we can sing the anthem at the first ever Hunger Games.  Also, in case we want to volunteer for the Hunger Games.  But when the time comes, I am the only Avox to volunteer.  A big and strong girl gets chosen, but I take her place.

    "I volunteer as tribute to the first ever annual Hunger Games," I said.  I think her name was Lavender Trinket.  She brought me onto the stage she was standing on.

    I was about to answer when some rude old lady from the Capitol said, "Oh Lavender, don't be silly.  She's an Avox.  She doesn't have a name."

At that moment I became 'The Little Avox Girl.'  I didn't have a name.  Not even as a tribute did I have a name.

    "Well, give her a hand folks!" Lavender said.  "There is your tribute from District one." 

District one?  I wasn't from District one.  Did I fill in for a girl from District one?  I think I did, since I volunteered to be  the volunteered as the first girl tribute.  I was no longer Shannon from District 13.  She was The Little Avox Girl, the first ever female tribute of District One.

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