Week 1-Adventure

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Title: Dancing With the Elements

Week One's Contest is Adventure. I hope you enjoy my first entry:


I remember the day clearly, vividly as if it could be happening before my very eyes at this moment. The day started, nice and sunny. The air was thin and dry, and the temperature so hot that your skin seemed to be peeling off as you basked in the sun.

I was seventeen when the incident happened, carefree and reckless. I lived in the state of Colorado, where the mountains' peaks lumbered far above your head, and sometimes, up into the clouds. My three friends and myself had decided that we hadn't spent enough time with each other in the past month since school had been let out, so we came up with the idea to go hiking together. We did this often together in the summer and I knew that getting back into the familiar habit would be good for all of us.

We all lived close to one another, the four of us, sharing the same street and close addresses. Jarred and Kim lived across the street from me, they were brother and sister, twins in fact. They sometimes spoke in unison, like some twins. And they were the first to arrive in the woods by our houses.

The forest began behind my house and stretched around the lake that lay beyond with rocky inclines and cliffs.

I was basking in the sun in my backyard, sprawled across the grass on my back. My eyes were closed as I enjoyed the summer heat on my skin, it was soothing and splendid. My sunglasses covered my closed eyes, for protection as soon as we started our journey. Air surged into my nostrils, and I could smell the sweet smell of freshly cut grass and flowers, and even the distant tang of the misty lake air.

"Hey! Kree, we're here!"

I heard the twins' voice as they spoke together, calling my name.

I sighed as I sat up, pulling my sunglasses up and over so they rested on top of my head. My shoulder length blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail for the hot day and I wore shorts and a lengthy white t-shirt.

"Hi guys," I replied to them kindly with a bright grin as I stood up and brushed some grass off of my back and some stray blades that rested on my legs.

The twins both had gorgeous curly auburn hair, Jarred kept his long and lushes, and Kim's hung to the center of her back. They were both reasonably tall, but they were shorter than myself. They both had hazel eyes and were sprinkled with light freckles across their noses.

"Glad to see you guys came prepared," I said to them.

Both of them carried a white backpack, which I guessed carried water and some snacks. I too had packed a backpack, it was a few feet away from me on the ground. Mine consisted of some bug spray, a liter of soda, a bag of chips, and my cell phone. They weren't very good snacks for the occasion but I had always been a sugar and salt junky.

"Did you guys see Erin on your way here? Or is she late again?"I asked them, curious as to where the prankster of the group was.

Jarred and Kim shook their heads, "Nope." I sighed again and crossed my arms. Erin was always late and un-prepared.

I sat down on the grass again to wait, and the twins joined me.

"She's never on time. What did you expect?" Kim asked with a hint of sarcasm.

I shrugged.

"I don't know what I expected. I guess I thought she might be changing," and with a laugh I added, "Guess not!"

The twins giggled along with me and Jarred laid on his back, his head in his hands. We waited for about five more minutes before I concluded that maybe she just wasn't coming. I stood up again and helped Kim to her feet.

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