8: Oh. So this is normal now...

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A sharp pain went through my skull. I winced as I brought my hand up from under the covers holding my head.… covers? My eyes shot open, I looked around but a wave of dizziness stopped me from processing anything. My cheek ached, as if tiny pins were lodged there, but it was nothing like before. 

Before? Memories of the events earlier flooded my brain, I was back in my room and layla was next to me sleeping. Though she was sweating, nothing else was out of the ordinary.  A chill ran down my spine before I could relax as I remembered what occurred in the room. I scrambled to find my phone turning on the flashlight as quickly as I could. The room was flooded with light as I pointed it in every dark corner, ignoring the groan from beside me. 

“..what the hell are you……doing?” layla asked as her expression slowly shifted as realization set in. She harshly grabbed my shoulders dragging me to face her as she immediately began to examine my face. Oh. Right, I was totally bleeding out. Confusion flashed on her face before relief took over. It didn't last long because an overwhelming wave of nausea hit both of us. 

We dashed towards the bathroom and heard rushing footsteps from the other room too. Ashlyn was hunched over the shower, Taylor was next to the toilet, and Layla took the sink. So I quickly snatched the trash can that was knocked over in the commotion. I leaned on the wall sinking down as my stomach emptied. 

“ARE YOU GIRLS IN HERE?” A muffled yell called out, “Ah! Found ‘em!” the blonde boy said as he saw the sorry sight of us in the bathroom. “Move-” Tyler said urgently, shoving aiden to the side. A relieved sigh escaped him once he saw everyone, though Taylor was definitely his priority. “ah, I feel another wave coming on…” aiden warned, the two boys wore sickly expressions. I heard them running toward the kitchen, probably aiming for the sink or something. 

We all suffered throughout the night, eventually one of the adults woke up due to the raket we had caused. He entered the room and started to question us on what happened. I was still too nauseous to listen, so I did notice when he left. Soon after he returned with some medicine in hand. I eagerly inhaled the medicine and hoped that it would take effect as quickly as possible. 

An excruciatingly long time passed before they took effect. (In reality it was only five minutes or so.) And I started to process thoughts again. The adult, who turned out to be Mr Walter, made sure we were all decent before escorting the boys back to their room. An uncomfortable question loomed over our heads, since we now had the thought capacity to do so. 

“...Let's talk tomorrow?” Layla broke the silence, “I think we’re all drained.” the rest of us gave weak responses of agreement, one by one we shuffled out of the bathroom to our respective beds. I laid down expecting to be unable to go back to sleep but my body was exhausted both physically and mentally. I felt myself drift to an uncomfortable sleep plagued by unanswered questions. 


We didn't talk about it. At all. Layla was the only one I got to talk to about the whole phantom situation, she told me what happened while I was asleep. The group decided to call the creatures phantoms because that's what Ashlyn thought they were, phantom noises. Though the rest of the conversation was about planning and not as important seeing as we woke up and everything was back to normal.

I laid on my bed, back home already from the field trip. The trip back had passed by quickly, almost like a haze. The adults watched over us the whole way back, since honestly, we looked as if we would keel over at any second so their concern was warranted. So we went the entire way back without getting the chance to talk. 

Me and Layla arrived at home and made up an excuse for our sickly appearance, as if it would stop the fussing that would ensue. Which definitely got worse when we started to get woozy again. so now I was back home, laying on my bed after another wave of sickness. I felt my phone buzz, I reached out to grab it to find a new message in the history group chat. 

Moonlight (sbg girls x fem!oc/reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें