Chapter first : the beginning

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The story begins with a boy named Kai. Kai was a sixteen year old teenager. He was tall and very muscular. He had tanned skin all the year. His classmates envied him not only for that but for his beautiful looks. Kai's hair were brown, short and curly. His eyes were dark brown. You could dive in his deep, soft, sad and mysterious eyes. He was very popular. Kai was intelligent, handsome, awer of people feelings... But for some reason he didn't blend with his comrades. But you need to know that this handsome and young man had very uncommon capacities. He could read minds, manipulate memories or erase it. It was a big burden to be so lonely and to hear things that you don't want. The teenager was walking in the woods who was next to where he lived. He went there every day. It was the only moment of his day he could relax entirely. There he didn't need to be on gard. His favorite part of the forest was a charming clearing. In the middle of that clearing stood a big and old oak tree. The rest of the clearing was covered of green, young and tender grass where you could lay and sleep or listen to the birds. But this day wasn't peaceful at all. Something abnormal was about to happen. The animals were crazed and made a lot of noise. He reached the clearing nervously. Sudennly a dear charged at him. Kai jumped on the side to avoid the animal. He kept hiding for few more minutes before going out of hiding. The young man looked in the clearing. What he saw left him speechless. A girl with long and white hair. It wasn't any sorts of white : it was white as snow. Her eyes were closed and her red and pronounced lips were slightly open. The most suprising thing with her was her ears. They were pointy ! Her body was covered by a thin light blue dress. The color of the tissu changed in function of the light. It could turn darker or even white. Her long, wavy and silken hair were decorated with a cronne of cornflower. Delicate flowers sprinkled her silky hair like jewels. Kai was amazed by this young girl lying on the grass like it was natural. He approached her to check if she was alright. He touched her, but at the second he made a contacte he jumped back. The young woman had srtange energy surrounding her. Only a few seconds later the girl opened her unhuman eyes. They were glacier blue. Her pupils were like the ones of a cat however they delalted very quickly. She turned around to Kai. He stept back. The gaze of the creature became intense and Kai felt something rummage through his thoughts. It was very desagrable. The human like girl stoped gazing at Kai and she spoke with a mellodious voice :
《 well, Well what a peculiar human. My name is Lùthien. In my language it means : daughter of the dusk. But what is your name human.
Kai stuttered :
- K... Kai, b... But what are you ?
Lùthien laughed :
- you don't know how to recognize an elf !? Good joke, good joke. But why did the forest changed so much?
The young man frowned :
- of course you're an elf ! And I'm a ferryman. Do you really expect me to believe that ?
Lùthien lowered her eyes before whispering :
- yo... Your powers are that strong ? You knew I wasn't a pure blood elf ?
He side :
- no seriously, stop it ! You can take off your ears. By the way they're really well done.
The elf screamed :
- they are not fake ! Pull them if you want idiot !》
The boy came up to her ears and pulled them hard. Lùthien shouted :
《 not so hard imbecile ! See they're not fake. Now put your hands back in your pocket !
Kai blushed and mumbled :
- sorry, but what do you mean your not a pure blood ? You look pretty elvish to me !
She snickered :
- of course you can't make the difference if you can't even know when you see an elf. I'm half feary. So now it's time for my questions : why did the forest changed so much ? And what year are we ?
Kai hesitated before speaking :
- well I can't answer your first question but the second is easy. We're in 2025.
The elf screamed :
- what ! We are not in 400 ? How did that happen ? In witch country are we in ?
The young man sighed :
- we're in the US.
Lùthien asked :
- where in the world is that ? Plus I live in a forest in Ireland.
Kai wandered :
- do you remember anything ? Like how did you get here or why ?
The young half elf massaged her temples before saying :
- I remembered my forest being burnt down and the elves uttering an incantation. Before throwing me in the magic circle they made, they whisperd in my ear " you are our last and only hope. Go and reestablish magic and trust between human and elf. We are to arrogant for that but you can do it. Don't be scared. Be well child." That is all I remember.
The boy blew :
- I can't believe that I'm trusting you and your impossible story ! But set that a side, do you have a place to stay ? It's dangerous for girls to be alone in the streets at night.
Lùthien replyed :
- do you really have to ask ? No I don't have a place to go. But I can transform my self to find one.
Kai exhaled :
- my parents aren't home. They are on business. You can stay at my place.
The young elf growled :
- how am I suppos to trust you ?
There was a long silence before she continued :
- ok, but remember : keep your hands in your pocket. 》
Lùthien begun to change. Her ears became normal as well as her eyes. But her hair remained the same.
Like that, the two young people begun they journey. Not only to go home but to change little by little the world.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 11 ⏰

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