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Dandelion's Pov

Dandelion: Seven minutes and it will be someone's birthday not mine

Phoenix: Four minutes

Dandelion: Countdown?🤣

Phoenix: It's always been Lionie. It's about whom you're with.

Dandelion: And you're here with me

Phoenix: Of course, I'm so happy even though I'm worried about my midterms.

Dandelion: So, it's not my birthday now.😫

Phoenix: Happy 21st bday Lionie🤗

Dandelion: Time flies really fast. Imagine, I was just 16 when we first met and right now I'm 21 years old.

Phoenix: The crossing of our parts have been really amazing. Im glad you became part of my life 🤧

Dandelion: I'm so blessed to have you.

Phoenix: 🤣🤣🤣

Dandelion: Who would have thought that we will become important in each others lives?

Phoenix: Yes, I really didn't expected it. Time really unites great minds😆

Dandelion: You have your own life and I have mine. So how did we end up being each other's reason why are are still sane amidst the problems that we have encountered?

Phoenix: hehehehehe, we are of one mind and heart 💛.

You said that we are of one heart but why is it that you can't solve the matters of my heart? Why is it that you can't feel that I'm breaking everytime you keep telling me about her? Why is it that you can't see my unshed tears? Why? Why? Why?

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 06 ⏰

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