Chapter 123 : Upcoming War

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Draupadi looks around his chamber. It's decorated very simply but lavishly. All the things here are very rare and utterly luxurious. Some are so valuable that they are equal to yearly income of small kingdoms around Aryavarta. She chuckles. He got his father's expensive taste as well.

Her mind goes back to the days when this child was born.

A child's crying could be heard and the Pandavas outside the door were relieved.

"Congratulations, Yuvraj! Maharani has bore a son again," the maids come out.

Yudhisthira donates his valuable necklace to the maids immediately upon hearing. Nakula almost jumps in joy. He rushes inside.

The ved immediately hushes them, "Please be quiet. Maharani has fallen asleep."

They peeks inside the curtain. Exhaustion all over her face, she is sleeping soundly. Nakula carefully steps inside and kisses her forehead.

"Here is the Rajkumar. Maharaj, he looks a lot like Samragni," Malini hands the child to Nakula first.

"Finally! Panchali was so upset two times because Prativindhya and Sutasoma don't look like her," Bheem grins.

The child opens his eyes and looks at it's surroundings as if he understands everything.

"He got her eyes," Yudhisthira softly touches it's head.

Satanika moves his head in Yudhisthira's direction hearing his voice. The divine smell that comes from his body attracts him greatly. He keeps looking at him his eyes as big as tomatoes.

"Is he glaring at Jyest?" Sahadeva jokes.

"Let's punish him then," Bheem tickles his belly making him fall into fits of giggles.

"You are my first son. My own blood. My Panchali's son," Nakula says his voice heavy.

Satanika looks at his father. He throws his hand all over as if complaining about something. With great difficulty, he manages to grab his father's shining necklace. Other three again bursts into laughter.

"No questions asked, Nakula. That's your blood," Bheema snickers.

Nakula lovingly kisses it's head, "I name you Satanika. May you achieve great honor and become an worthy warrior for your mother."

The door cracks open and Draupadi looks at it annoyed. She clearly told the guards to not let anyone enter. But it wasn't her husbands or sons.

A petite woman comes inside nervously. Seeing her she becomes as surprised as if she saw a ghost. She joins her hands paying respect to Draupadi. Draupadi nods but her confusion didn't go away.

"Who are you?" Draupadi asks softly not waking her son up.

"I am the princess of Awanti, Devasena," she also replies softly.

"Why are you here? Lost?" Draupadi asks.

Devasena looks here and there then says, "I came to see Yuvraj. We...are friends and I was worried."

Draupadi smiles at her concern, "He is given medications and is sleeping. I am thankful that you came to visit."

"Samragni, I heard the fever is too high," Devasena says.

"It is," Draupadi answers softly. Draupadi begins to ask Devasena questions and she answers them without hesitating.

Draupadi reads the letter Govind send her again and again.

Empire of Righteousness ( The Beginning)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin