Cooking and dancing - CUTE

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Anon request: I saw your post about wanting to write more in-depth fluff and I have this moment I have thought about for so long that I can't wait for it to happen with a partner! So...I was thinking the reader gets home from work one day before either Sam or Colby (either works great you choose! Or both we won't judge👀) and she's baking in the kitchen after a somewhat stressful day and so when they come home they see her in the kitchen and watch her for a minute before getting her attention and then they come up and hug her from behind and then their song starts playing in her speaker and they start to slow dance in the kitchen together!! (I am so extremely sorry if this is too long I just think about this moment wayyyyyyy too much!)

Summary: you had just finished an almost 10 hour shift at the restaurant, that you worked at whilst you patiently waited for your music career to take off. You expected Colby to be waiting for you seen as you were 4 hours later than expected, but when you arrived home to an empty house, starving and exhausted, your sadness finally tipped over the edge. 

WARNINGS: NO SMUT! just pure fluff and Colby cuteness🥺

Not edited. Requests open!


It was late on a Saturday night, your feet burned and your head pulsated as you stepped out of your car. Being understaffed in a restaurant on a Saturday was truly the worst nightmare for anyone in the hospitality business. So being asked to stay until the close after your shift had ended, was something you'd much rather not be doing. But 'money... money for my music' was all that ran through your head. 

As you made your way across the driveway to the front door, you were too tired to notice that Colby's car was not there. You thought about his arms wrapping around you and how in a few moments, everything would feel so much better. 

As you stepped into the homely decorated hallway, you called out loudly, "baby, I'm home!" You kicked off your shoes, putting them neatly on the rack as there was no reply. You looked around confused as you took off your jacket. "Colbs?" You waited, still no reply. As you walked into the main sitting room it wasn't long before you accepted the fact that you were alone. You sighed as you felt your eyes burn and your heart pound. You knew that you needed to cry. To let it all out. But your stifling headache and exhausted muscles physically didn't have the energy anymore. You wanted a shower, you felt disgusting but your stomach growled louder than a scared wolf, desperately in need of food. 

You headed into the kitchen, and stopped still. Looking around at the moderately clean surfaces. You felt as though your thought process was damaged from the stress of that evil shift. You took a deep breath before speaking clearly, "Alexa..." the device quickly flashed blue, "play y/f/m." As Alexa confirmed and your favourite music began to play through the small speaker, you thought it might make you feel better... as much as it helped, you still felt like you wanted to tuck into a ball and stay there forever.

 your stomach rumbled one last time, snapping you out of your spinning thoughts, you quickly headed to the refrigerator taking out the ingredients to make gory favourite dinner. You even collected double the ingredients just in case Colby was hungry when he got home.

As you stood at the stove, your eyes desperately wanting to pour, your weight balance constantly shifting from one foot to the other due to the burning pain on your soles, you stirred the homemade sauce as it thickened with each turn. The front door opened but the music drowned out the sound as you became oblivious to the arrival of Colby.

Colby Brock - Fluff One Shots (Colby x reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα