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Lawson and I are supposed to share a car whenever Mum and Dad are home. Since they are gone for a month I've been driving the car we share and Lawson has been driving our dad's car. It makes it nice and easy for me to pick Amerie on the way to school.

I notice Harper with Sasha and Missy as Amerie and I walk into school.

"This is driving me insane," I tell Amerie.

"She wants to watch us suffer," Amerie offers.

"I didn't even do anything," I insist. "Its not like a I kicked her dog or anything."

"Harper doesn't have a dog," Amerie states.

"Exactly," I tell her.

"Hey Map Bitch!"

Suddenly a guy grabs Amerie's bag from her shoulder and throws it into the air. Everything goes flying out of it as it lands on the ground.

"Dickhead!" I shout.

Amerie kneels down to pick up her things. Dusty leans down to help her as Spider and Lawson just watch.

"Cool shirt," Dusty tells Amerie.

Amerie smiles. "Thanks!"

"Name one DZ Death Rays song," Spider says.

I hit him in the side with my elbow.

"Shut up, Spider," Amerie says.

"Shut up," Dusty tells him.

"Oh," Spider says as he turns away.

I walk off with him and Law leaving Amerie and Dusty alone. I notice red slap bracelets on both of their wrists.

"What's with the bracelets?" I ask.

"Well Dusty's dad is letting us throw a gig at his," Spider tells me.

"What are yourselves now?" I ask.

Chronic Fatigue now," Law tells me.

"Don't know if thats any better than The Cate Blanchetts," I tell them.

"We're raising money for the Global Women's Project," Spider tells me.

I laugh lightly. "I'm sure that was all your idea."

"Hey! Over here!" Quinni shouts. I see her and Darren waving. "Amerie, Sage this way!"

I turn back to Spider and Law. "Try not to change your band name too many times today."

I smile as Amerie and I walk towards the two.

"It's our new besties," Quinni says as she hugs Amerie and I.

"Morning," Darren greets.

"Hey," Amerie and I say at the same time.

I turn and notice Ant, Law, Dusty, Spider, and Malakai bro hugging it out. Honestly it's crazy how fast they became friends with Malakai. It didn't even take a week.

"Huh. One of my favorite pornos starts the exact same way," Darren remarks.

"How is new guy so popular already?" I ask.

"I want to bump chests with Dusty," Amerie says. "I need one of those slap bands."

"Oh, sweetie, no one's going to sell you that landfill," Darren tells her. "You're the reason they're in SLTs, remember? Come on."

If SLTs wasn't taking up my free period I don't think I would hate it as much as I do. It doesn't stress me out like Maths or English does. Miss Obah has a video on for us. I think it's about nudes. But also maybe just noodles. Its kind of confusing.

S.L.T./Anthony "Ant" VaughnWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu