Bada creeps up behind Mauve and was about to surprise her but the girl has already felt her presence and planned to spoil Bada's fun by turning around to meet her face to face just when Bada was reaching out her hand to tickle her on the waist. Mauve raised a brow and a smirk graced her lips as she saw Bada's hand hovering around her waist. 

Bada, whose already caught, just awkwardly chuckled. Just so she doesn't embarrass herself more in front of Mauve by withdrawing her hand away, she instead really reaches to hook her arm around the girl's waist to pull Mauve towards her. 

"Good morning miss. Breakfast?"

Later on, the two found themselves back inside the van enjoying some onigiri and sausages coupled with coffee and they have cream buns for dessert while they also a shared a light conversation.

So you can actually talk.

Bada casually signs and Mauve just giggles on how her sign kinda looks sloppy. Its like if your speaking a new language, you get the basics and can talk by using it but still fail the accent or the enunciation of the words. But still, props for her for signing!

I can talk since I'm just deaf, my condition only affected my hearing and not my speech but I don't have a normal sounding voice. Remember when I told you I was able to hear with the help of hearing aids? I basically lived my childhood like any normal kids, except for the constant check up.

Mauve explains in the simplest sign she could and like when Bada is talking to her in a slow paced manner so she'll be able to read her lips, Mauve also signed in a slower pace for Bada. She's a beginner after all so she knows it'll be hard for Bada to read her normal pace of signing.

Why don't you talk then?

Well because I feel shy about my voice and I'm deaf remember?

"Prove it, talk again."

Bada was unknowingly being persuasive for Mauve to talk and the latter can't just say no, with how her teacher, her idol, is inching towards her with eyes filled with motivation to hear her talk. Normally, Mauve is the one who looks like a curious little child but now Bada is acting like one too and Mauve just can't resist from the charm. So she sits properly on her spot and like a singer whose about to sing she takes a minute to prepare herself then breathes in a huge amount of air before saying the first words that she could ever think of.

"Bada-ssaem looks cute."

Bada's serious listening face melts into a smile with how Mauve, despite sounding flat and monotonous, sounded adorable. For her the words she spoke actually sounded like it actually make sense. Call her crazy but that's how she honestly feels, her heart is aching with this warm ecstatic feeling. Its like seeing a baby talk for the first time, she can't help but swoon for Mauve!

Before Bada could say anything though, Mauve quickly signed something else to shift the direction of their topic.

I can't believe that Bada-ssaem knows how to sign though.

Mauve signs and Bada, thankfully, read that and for that she felt so proud of herself. Now she just have to reply using sign as well.

I just learned it so I could talk to you better. I hated the thought of how tiring it must've been typing all your thoughts on the phone.

Bada replies, her honesty just sent Mauve to cloud 9. She can't believe that she's really the reason why Bada decided to learn sign language. It was actually just a wild assumption earlier but now, with the words coming directly from Bada is just surreal! She actually contemplated whether she should slap herself or not just to confirm that all of this is real and not just her delusion making the perfect dream for her. In the end, she decided not to do it since she doesn't want to look like a crazy person in front of Bada.

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