...He found himself growing weary?

But why? And...how?

Before the cat could think, he felt his eyes begin to force themselves shut on his own. He tried to keep them open, only for him to eventually fail, falling to the ground with Dogday next to him.

He then faded out of consciousness.

The dog felt a sudden warmth, and softness beneath him. It was...nice. Familiar, in a way. It reminded him of the beds in Home Sweet Home, but a bit softer in comparison. It was quite nice, considering what just happened before he went unconcious.


How was he on a bed? Wasn't Catnap just about to kill him? Or...whatever other twisted form of punishment the cat had in mind for him.

Maybe, if he was lucky, Catnap may have changed his mind and decided to keep him alive at Home Sweet Home.

He slowly opened his eyes, admittedly feeling a bit exhausted from all the running he did earlier. His legs were sore, not to mention his entire body, especially from the waist up to his chest hurt, including his arms from the tight grip the cat had on him.

He was greeted by the sight of...a house? There were windows, a soft bed which he was currently laying on, in addition to a blanket that was over him.

Where was he? This place looked much, much different from the factory knew. It was lighter, brighter, much more friendly looking and...


The dog's eyes darted around the building, observing it a bit. There was a tv, a couch, even a fridge with persumably some food and drinks, not to mention a kitchen among other typical things one would expect to be in a household. It all looked...strangely familiar.

Wait a second...

The realization hit him suddenly. He knew where he recognized this room from!

The cartoons! The ones of him and the other critters! This was HIS house from that cartoon! But how did he get here?

He doubted that Catnap brought him here. If so, he would've remembered visiting this place, especially in his dreams.

Speaking of...this didn't feel like any of the dreams he had under the influence of Catnap's gas. He felt as if he were actually awake.

That added up with the small sores he felt in his body from the cat's rough treatment earlier.

He had to wonder however...was he alone here? Or was Catnap with him?

Second Chance [Dogday X Catnap]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum