"The Emergency Protocols are in there. They give instructions for aliens." Harriet said making the doctor look at her for a moment.

"Harriet Jones, I like you."

The woman looked hesitant as she answered back, "I think I like you too."

Grey was by Rose now as they ran toward the cabinet room, once they were inside Rose was planning on asking Maia a few questions about what the hell happened earlier.

Once they were all inside the room the Doctor was standing in the doorway holding out the decanter, "One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof, we all go up. So back off." The Slitheen take one step back in the outer office, "Right then. Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

"They're aliens," Harriet replied.

"Yes. I got that, thanks." was the answer he gave her back.

"Who are you, if not human?" one of the slitheen questioned.

"Who's not human?" Indra was the one to speak and ask the question.

"He's not human," Rose answered, leaving Maia and Grey out of it for now, since they weren't mentioned.

"He's not human?" Harriet echoed in a questioning tone.

"Can I have a bit of hush?" the Doctor said.

"Sorry," Harriet said.

Grey and Maia shared a look watching as their grandfather talked with the Slitheen.

Maia was thinking, she knew that she recognized the spaceship earlier but didn't recognize the name Slitheen... so why did they look so familiar to her... was the question.

Maia is snapped out of her thoughts by Rose's voice, "All right Maia... what the bloody hell was that earlier?"

That turned Grey and the Doctor's attention to the brunette girl, who sighed "I was hoping to avoid the coming up until we got back to the Tardis but of course, I wouldn't be that lucky." she looked at the blonde, "there is one thing that I haven't told you about me yet I was waiting, trying to build a little more trust here but then the alien went to grab him," she pointed at Indra, "I knew she would have killed him so I decided that since I could do something about it that I was going to save a man's life, even if it meant exposing that little fact sooner than I had wanted to."

The doctor looked at her, "this is what you briefly mentioned earlier?"

She nodded, "Yeah..." She looked at Rose again, "You saw me use the force... I'm force sensitive, and I've been trained from a young age to learn how to use it, I started as a youngling, which is the first stage, and then you move up to padawan and eventually, you become a Jedi Knight, and then a Jedi Master..."

Rose looked at the girl in shock, she had read a lot of books that the tardis had on the Jedi order and to actually meet someone who was a part of it was awesome in her eyes, "Oh my god! That's so cool Maia! So what were you trying to do in the sitting room before they burst in?"

"Hide us, using the force, I didn't know how well it would work with me being the only one that was, force sensitive and everything."

The blonde nodded at her, "Ahhh well it was working, I saw the blue glow, like when you saved Indra's life and then the door opened and it disappeared."

"Yeah, she broke my concentration, some things don't need a lot of concentration, like what you saw when I pushed her away, which takes hardly any effort, to do but bigger shit like trying to hide us needs full concentration." Rose nodded at her again.

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